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Show Teacher Marries Two popular young people of Par-owan Par-owan w?re married at ceremonies performed at the home of the bride recently. Miss Lellanl McNlcoll, Cedar Ce-dar City school teacher, and Gary Bentley. World War Two veteran, exchanging marriage vow. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. William Henry, and the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Bentley. Both are former students of the Utah State Agricultural college col-lege at Logan, and Branch Agricul tural college at Cedar City. Tht bilde was affiliated with Alpha Chi Omega sorority and was a mem ber of Lambda Rho, honorary Journalistic Jour-nalistic fraternity, At the BAC .she was also a member of the Lambda Lamb-da Delta Sigma sorority. She is now-teaching now-teaching In the elementary schools at Cedar City. The groom was a member of Sigma Sig-ma PM Epsllon fraternity during his attendance at Logan and lias since served three years In the U.S. Navy in the Pacific Theatre. The young couple phm to make their home in Parowan. Maid of honor at the reception attended by clo.se. friends and members mem-bers of the two families, was the bride's sister, Maylo McNlcoll, Veil Taylor was best man. |