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Show Exchange Marriage Vows At Sun Valley Mr. and Mrs. Don W. Draper announce an-nounce the marrioge of their daughter daugh-ter Maxlnc, to Mr. A. Jay Webb on of Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Webb of Ogdm, Utah. The ceremony was performed at ihe Trail Creek Lodge at Sun Val-ey, Val-ey, Idaho, Junuary 3rd, with Bishop R. E. Adamson of Carey, Idaho, an aid friend of Mr. Draper, officiating. officiat-ing. Close friends of the young couple cou-ple were in attendance. The bride was accompanied to the Sun Valley resort by her mother. Following the ceremony the young couple were honored at an informal inform-al reception at the Trail Creek Lodge, after which they left for a short honeymoon trip through Idaho. Ida-ho. They will make their home at Sun Valley where they are both employed. em-ployed. The bride has been attending the Branch Agricultural college this winter, after graduating from the Cedar City high school, while the groom Is a former student of the University oT Utah. Miss Dropcr was affiliated with the XI Lambda Tau sorority at the Branch college, and Mr. Webb with the Bctta PI fraternity frater-nity at the University. |