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Show Cedar Girl, Modena Man Married At Home Ceremony Mr. and Mrs. John L. Stephens announce the marriage of their daughter, Ruth Elizabeth, to Mr. William Hills, sun of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hills of Madena, the marriage ceremony having been performed at the home of the bride on Saturday, Satur-day, Dec. 28th, with Bishop Leo Larsan of the Fourth Ward officiating. officiat-ing. Mrs. Drex Adams was Matron of Honor and Mr. LaMar Lund of Modena, was Best Man. Following the ceremony the couple were honored at a reception at the home of the Bride's parents. Assisting Assist-ing Mr. and Mrs. Stephens with the reception were Mr. and Mrs. Drex Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Spencer, Spen-cer, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stephens. The Misses Roselyn and Carlene Lund assisted with the serving, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wood were in charge of the gift room. The couple left after the recep-ion recep-ion for a honeymoon trip in Neva-fin, Neva-fin, after which they will make 'heir home in Cedar City for Wie present. The bride, u graduate of the Branch Agricultural College has been employed as a stenographer here for some time, and for a year and a half during the war she worked work-ed at the Douglas Aircraft plant in California. Her busband is a veteran of World War II, having served with the Army Air Corps in the India, Burma, China theatre of operations for four years. |