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Show To Exchange Vows At Ceremony Tonight .The LDS InsUtute will be the scene of a wedding ceremony thU evening In whxh Arttiur Hlgbee, popular local radio announcer, and Miss Mona Taylor. Branch Agricultural Agricul-tural College student, will be married. mar-ried. Following the ceremony a reception re-ception will be held in the First Ward recreation hall, after which the couple will leave for Logan, where they will study at the Utah State Agricultural College during the spring quarter. Stake President David L. Sargent will officiate at the wedding ceremony, cere-mony, and the bride will be given in marriage by her uncle, Henry A. Pace of New Harmony. Clayton Sherman wll be Best Man, and Miss Ogla Taylor, Maid of Honor. Bridesmaids will be the Misses Lael Merrywcather. Maxlno Roberts, Zola ToUestrup, Marie Baldwin. Donna Garrick. an-Norma an-Norma Jean Wood. Ushers will be Dee DeM He and Kagene Urie. The wedding march will be played b Mrs. Virginia Larson, and voca. music at the ceremony will be b Mrs. Janice M. Prothcro, accompanied accom-panied by Mrs. Mary Jane Seaman Receiving at the reception will be the bride and groom, maid 01 honor, best man, bridesmaids ana the bride's mother, Mrs. Susie H. Taylor. Assisting will be M.ss Dorothy Doro-thy Secrist, in charge of the guest book; the Misses Roene Bulloch, Baibara Urie and Iris Spencer, h. charge of the gift room, and Mrs. Kenneth Pi-othero, Miss Loan Jor.e. and Miss Lois Urie, serving. The bride, Is a graduate of tlu Cedar City high school and a stu nt of the Branch Agricultural College, and the groom, a graUu i-ate i-ate of the Branch College, Is a veteran of two years serv'ce with the army air forces, and has been affiliated with the Southern Utah Broadcasting Comany since 1938. |