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Show Marriage Announced ' Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lorcnsen o( Richf.eld. Utah, announce the mar-riage mar-riage of their daughter. Georgia, to Ensign Quinn Jons. son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Junes of Cedar City j The eermony was preformed by Joseph Y. Toronto on Sunday. April 1C. ut the hunie of the bride's sister Following the wedding a buffet supper wits given in honor of the newlyweds. The bride was x former student ut the B A C where she was promin. ent in music, many knowing her for her fine work with the violn. The groom was a prominent track athelete at the B. A C and was business manager of the Bac-ian Bac-ian among other campus activities in which he was an active participant. particip-ant. Ensign and Mrs. Jones visited in Cedar City for two days with Mr. Jones' parents before leaving for Kansas, where he has been stationed stat-ioned since his transfer from Sca-attle, Sca-attle, Washington. While in Seattle, Sea-ttle, Quinn flew on two missions to the Aleutian Islands. This Is his first trip home since entering the service. J |