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Show Rites Solemnized Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bradshaw announce the marriage of their daughter Dorothy to Lt. Stayner L. Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Thompson of Brighaai City, Utah, the marriage ceremonyy having hav-ing been peformed at the home of the bride Saturday evening, January Jan-uary 12th. with Prseldent David L. Sargent of Parowan Stake officiating. officiat-ing. , t . A reception was held at the home following the ceremony, after which the bridal couple left for a honeymoon honey-moon trip to California. They will make their home in Brigham City. The bride Is a graduate of the Branch Agricultural College, where sh was affiliated with the Phi Alpha Al-pha Beta sorority, and of the Utah State Agricultural College, where she affiliated with Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Upsllon Onlcon, and Chi Omega sorority. She has been head of the home economics department at the Cedar City Junior high school during the present school year. Lt. Thompson, a former student of the U. S. A. C. recently returned return-ed from two years service with an anti-aircraft unit in the European theater of operations. He is now on terminal leave. In the receiving line at the reception re-ception wre the bridal couple, Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Mr. D. Baron, Miss Marlon Bradshaw. Miss Mary Leone Pouring and serving were Mrs. Halght. and Mrs. Arlo Stewart. Carl Harrison, Mrs. C. J. Beasley, Mrs. Wm. Snow, Mrs. Charles R. Hunter. Mrs. L. V. Broadbcnt, Mrs. J. S. Prestwlch. Mrs. Don Draper, and Mrs. E. W. Southwlck. In charge of the gift room were Mrs. Karrol Capncr. Mrs. Ruth Joltey, Miss Shlrleyi Neelcy, Mrs. Winona Cowan and Mrs. Audrey Duncan. |