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Show Marriage Saturday A marriage ceremony at th Cedar Ce-dar LDS Institute Saturday evening even-ing will uni;e Staff Sergeant Nor-ine Nor-ine Hunter and Walter C. Bell. Warrant Officer United States Marines, according to an announcement announce-ment made by Mr. and Mrs. George M. Hun-jr, parents of the brlrli. Stake President, David L. Sargent will official". Mis? Georgia Hunter will act as Maid of Honor, with Mrs. Corry Olson and M.s. Orr.r.t Seogmiller. as Bridesmaids. Lt. Clyde v. Hunter, brother of tne brl(V will bo Best Man. Mi s Hunter Is serving with the Women's Marine Corpi, stationed .-.t the Dopol of Supplies ni -'an Francisco. She ha-, h-en in service for 30 months. Mr. Bell, a son cf Walter C. Bell of Philadelphia, has rrved with the Marines for seven veais, and served In the Pacific tlvatre of oeratlons for two years. Following the wedding the couple will be honored at a reception at th? First Ward Recreation Hill. Will |