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Show United jn Marriage M!ss Diane Booth and TS Stanford Stan-ford J. Kittcrman were married :it high noon on Thursday, January 3, In the St. George Temple. Following Fol-lowing the dougle ring ceremony the bridal party was entertained at a wedding dinner at the home of the bride. In the evening from 7:30 to 10:00 t the bride ,and groom were honored at a reception, during which time about 150 guests called. The bride was dressed In white satin and a finger tip veil made of bride's allusion, al-lusion, and carried a boquet of calla U.ies and orchids and was attended at-tended by her brother's wife, Mrs. Afton Jean Booth. Roscoe Booth stood as Best Man for the bridegroom. The bridal group stood under an arch of evergreens ever-greens and silver bells. In the receiving line also were the parents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Booth and Mr. and Mrs. Alma C. Lambert of Salt Lake City, special friends of the groom. The dining room was in charge of Mrs. Marie Krugrr with Mrs. Inez Lunt and Mrs. LnPrele Smith pouring, and the Misses Donna Beck. Norlne Stratton and Gwcn Anderson serving. The table centerpiece cen-terpiece was a large wedding cake surrounded by calla lilies, ferns and white tapers. Miss Louise Manning presided In the guest room. Mrs. Ruth Betten-sen Betten-sen and Miss Dorothy Hulct had charge of the gift room. Little Claudette Sargent and Janice Beat-ty Beat-ty In pretty pastel dresses passed small packages of wedding cake to the guests as they left. Special musical numbers were given during the evening by Prof. Roy L. Halversen, Virginia Larson, Henrietta Harris, Bee Roberts accompanied ac-companied by Mrs. Bcrnella Jones, md Eleanor Sargent. The newljweds will make their home near Ft. Sheridan. 111. for the present, where Sgt. Kltterman Is stationed as one of the permanent perman-ent personnel. |