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Show COUPLE MARRIED IN ST. GEORGE TEMPLE Miss Lucille Macfarlane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Macfarlane of Cedar City, and Lt. ty. V. Crocket, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Vernon Crocket of Logan, were married in the St. George temple this morning morn-ing and left for San Diego to make their home for the present. Lt. Crocket Is a member of the United States Marines, and has been stationed sta-tioned at Iceland until recently. Last niht the couple were honored hon-ored at a family dinner party at Mary's Tea Room by the bride's parents. par-ents. A feature of the evening was music furnished by Roy L. Halver-sen, Halver-sen, Frank Van Cott and Miles Walker. Walk-er. Mrs. Piatt Watson honored the bride at a delightfully arranged tea at her home Saturday evening and on Wednesday night of last week the couple were honored by Mr. and Mrs. Venial Q. Jones at a dinner party. |