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Show Marriage Announced Mr. and Mrs. Ira Heaton announce an-nounce the marriage of their dau-j ghter Fao, to Lyman Stout of Suit Lake City, the couple exchanging ! vows in the St. George Temple on I Wednesday, April 25th. I The groom Is a son of Mrs. David Dav-id Stout of Salt Lake City, and Is at present a postal clerk In the Salt Lake Post Office. A graduate of the Utah State Agricultural College. Col-lege. Mr. Stout taught school In Beaver County for sometime before accepting his present position. He Is prominent in church activities. The bride Is a graduate of the Branch Agricultural College at Cedar Ce-dar City, and the L. D. S. Business College at Salt Lake City, and has been an employee of the Southern Utah Power Company for some time. She filled an L. D. S. Mission In the Western States, and has been active In local church affairs. At present she is a member cf the Stake Bor.rd of the M. I. A. Miss Heaton was the guest of honor at two social functions this week prior to her marriage. Mrs. Win. Limb, sister of the groom, entertained en-tertained at a luncheon in honor ! of the bride, and her sister, Mrs. Gwen Slierratt, entert.'.tned at a I Trousseau tea at the Sherratt home : More than a hundred friends called during the' afternoon. |