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Show Parents Hear Of Son's Marriage I Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. Alma Knight of Cedar City from their son Dan Knight, Sic now stationed at Camp Shoemaker, Shoe-maker, California, that on December Decem-ber 14, he was married to Miss Carlyn Hines of Sacramento, with Bishop Don C. Woods officiating at the double ring ceremony. The wedding tobk place at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Burnett of Berkley, where the bride has been living while attending the University Univer-sity of California. The loams of the home were beautifully decorated decor-ated with late faU flowers and, white candle tapers. Only a few close rieudl; and I'MaUves were In attendance. Supper was served following the ceremony. Mrs. Knight is the daughter of Mrs. Gatheirne G. Hines of Sacramento, Sac-ramento, Californio. She plans to continue her studies at the Unl-verisity, Unl-verisity, but plans to visit Utah witn her husband as soon as he Is released re-leased from service. Seaman Knight has been serving with the navy since March, 1942, and expects to be released In July 1946. Since entering service he has rpent most of his time In the South Pacific. |