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Show Announcement Made Of Marriage Plans ( Mr. and Mrs. John A. Booth have : announced the engagement of their ' daughter, M;s Diane Booth, to Corporal Standford' J. Kitterrr.au, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs Joseph F. Kitterman of Salt Lake City. The marriage will take place hi the Mant I LDS Temple on Thursday, January 3rd. Miss Booth Ls a graduate of tho Branch Agricultural College where she was affiliated with the Zi Lam-i Lam-i bda Tau sorority, and of the Brig-I Brig-I ham Young University where she . belonged to La Vadis. Following her graduation from the BYU Miss. Booth taught in the Provo elementary elemen-tary schools, and later returned to Cedar City where she has been teaching most of the tlme since. Mr. Kitterman is a former student stud-ent of the University of Utah and a member of Phi Beta PI. He is stationed at Fort Sheridan. Illinois. |