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Show Perform Ceremony In L.D.S. Temple Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Kunz announce an-nounce the marriage of their laughter, Evelyn, to Mr. York Jones, on of Mr. and Mrs. Erastus L. Jones, the marriage ceremony hav-'ng hav-'ng been performed in the St. 3eorge LDS temple on Saturday, December 21. Sunday evening, December 22. the roung couple were honored at a reception re-ception at the home of the bride's parents. Receiving at the recep-ion recep-ion were the parents of the bride ind groom, and Mrs. C. R. Morris, ;lster of the bride, Maid of Honor, ind Carlson Terry, Best Man. The young couple are both pop- Uar students at the Branch Agricultural Agricul-tural college, and will continue their studies at the college for the re-nalnder re-nalnder of the winter. The bride graduated from the branch college last spring, and is a ipecial music student at the school this year. She is affiliated with the Phi Alpha Beta sorority and is Art Editor of the Agrlcola, college year book. Mr. Jones Is a sophomore at the college, having returned to the school after two and a half years military service with the Army Air Forces, and is Editor of the school ear book. |