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Show Naomi Barnson Hecomes Bride Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Barns cn o this city announce the marriage of their daughter. Naomi, to S.r-fceant S.r-fceant Kenneth O. Kibler, Cam;. Haan, California. The marring', ceremony was performed on Sunday. Sun-day. March 14th at 1:30 p. m.. I. the North Long Beach L. D. S church. Long Beach, California. Only members of the Immediate family witnessed the ceremony which was solemnized by Bishop Poole of the North Long Beacn Ward. Both the bride's parents and her. grandmother, Mrs. N. M. Strom; of San Bernardino were in attendance. The bride wore a costume suit of blue-gray with matching accessories accessor-ies and an elaborate orchid corsage. cor-sage. Attendants for the couple were Mr. and Mrs. E. It. Mertz, sister and brother-in-law of the bride. Selections on the pipe organ were played by Mrs. Edward Andrews An-drews of Long Beach. Fallowing the ceremony a family fam-ily dinner was held at the home of Mr. und Mrs. Mertz, 130 Sunset, Long Beach. Centering the table was u three-tiered wedding cake decorated with white rases and topped with a miniature bride and bridegroom. Pink roses and calla Ullles were used as decorations throughout the home. Mrs. Kibler Is well known in Cedar Ce-dar City where she has always lived until a year ago when she left to make her home with her grandmother in San Bernardino. A former student of the Branch Agricultural College she was later employed at Thornton Drug Company Com-pany for a number of years and has held a similar position with the Thrifty Drug Company in San . Bernardino since residing there. I Sergeant Kibler Is. stationed at I Camp Haan near Riverside, California Cali-fornia where he has charge of prison records. Following a short honeymoon trip in Los Angeles the couple will reside at San Bernardino. |