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Show Parents Announce Coming Marriage Of Daughter - Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth 11. Mac-farlane Mac-farlane announce the coming niar-nage niar-nage of their daughter, Lucille, to Lt. W. V. Crockett. Jr.. the marriage mar-riage ceremony to be performed In the St. tieoige Temple, Thursday, April 1G. Miss Maclarlune Is a graduate of the Branch Agricultural College and former student of Hie Utah State Agi cultural College, where she was .socially prominent and active In school alfairs, especially musical circles. Al the BJV.C. Miss Macfar-lune Macfar-lune was afliliated with the Phi Alpha Beta Sorority and at the U. S. A. C. with the Chi Omega Sorority, Sor-ority, Alpha Nu, Honorary Senior Fraternity, and Phi Delta Pi, Honorary Hon-orary Physical Education Fraternity. Fratern-ity. Lt. Crocket, of the U. S. Marine Corps, Ls a son of Mr. and Mis. W. Vernon Crockett of Logan, and u graduate of the Utah State Agricultural Agri-cultural College, where he was a prominent member of the Sigma Chi Fraternity, and Scabbard and Blade, Honorary Military Oroup. He has been stationed in Alaska during recent months. The young couple will make their home in San Diego, California, for the present. |