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Show Couple Honored At Wedding Reception A wedding reception on Saturday night. March -S. honored Mr. aii-1 Mrs Antone J. Webster, who woe recently married at Yuma. Arn.on.: The bride was formerly Mi.v- Blanche Macfarlane. Co-hosts for the oeea-sion oeea-sion were parents ol the young couple. Mr. and Mrs C. W. Macfarlane Mac-farlane and Mr. and Mrs. Wiitoru Webster. The reception was lit hi in the Relief Society rooms at the First Ward L.DS. Church where frienos called between the hours of 8. 00 and 10 00 p.m. Standing before a military background, back-ground, the couple was attended bv Miss Rae Merryweather and Jatit Bergstrom. The bride wore a bout-fant bout-fant model oi pink organza wil'i insets of pink lace and a corsage of roses. Miss Merryweather was gowned in rose and white, and both the bridegrom and Mr. Bergstrom were in military uniform, being on a short furlough from the Army Air Corps training center at Santa Anna, California. The receiving room was decorated after the military fashion with miniature min-iature flags and air-ships arranged on the mantel and piano. In the serving rooms red and white roses and carnations tied with white satin bows formed a centerpiece for a lace cloth laid over dark blue satin White candles and crystal .serving bowls completed the table decorations decora-tions Refreshments and other decorations dec-orations curried out the Victory theme. Mrs. T. Gordon Smith and Mrs. Vainer Nelson presided tat the serving table. Assisting them were the Misses Lorraine Sevy, Afton Merryweather, Shirley Syrett and Audrey McConnell. Mrs. Rhoda Webster, Miss Lu-Jean Lu-Jean Webster and Mrs. Ernest Macfarlane Mac-farlane were in charge of the gift roofn and other appointments. Music was furnished throughout the evening by a string quartet anu a vocal trio. The quartet was composed com-posed of Roy Halversen, Mrs. Grau-am Grau-am MacDonald, Miss Lucille Macfarlane, Mac-farlane, and Mrs. E. 11. Macfarlane Singing in the trio were Mrs. Rutli Jolley, Miss Elizabeth Manning, and Miss Beth Corry with Miss Rocne Blgler at the piano. |