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Show 'Marriage Announced Mr. and Mrs. J. Erwln SievenJ of Provo, who are former Cedar City residents, announce the marriage of their daughter Lucile to Cecil II. Day of Provo. The m-rrlae Will take plac In ,he Sal: Luke LOS Teu.1 on Thursday, DecemLier 12th. rt i. -ccptl n will bo held on lM-nu'er 13th in the Piu.o First Ward Chinch. The couple will spend a short hotieymon in northern Utah and whl in ike their home in Provo. Mr. Day has been employed as a machinist at the Geneva steel pl.int since his release from military service. He served with the U. S. Navy for two years during which time in served in the Pacific theatre thea-tre of operations. He is a graduate of Carbon High school. The bride to be is a graduate of Provo high school artd attended the B.lgham Young University for i one year. She Is a granddaughter of , Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Matheson of Cet'ar City and of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stevens of Parowan. |