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Show Society Notes LOCAL GIRL RECITES MARRIAGE VOWS Mr. and Mrs. George A. Wood announce an-nounce the marriage of their daughter, Audrey Sablna, to Stan-ley Stan-ley R. Bryan of Caliente, Nevada, son of Mrs. Eva R. Bryan of Perron. Per-ron. Utah. The ceremony was performed per-formed Tuesday afternoon, April 15th. la the Bishop's room of the Cedar City L. D. S. First Ward church with Bishop George Grlm-shaw Grlm-shaw officiating and was witnessed by members of the Immediate families fam-ilies and a few close friends. Immediately Im-mediately following the ceremony, the young couple left for Caliente where they will make their home. Prior to the wedding, a dinner was given at the home of the bride's parents for members of the bridal party. A large wedding cake, topped top-ped by a mlnature bride and groom, formed the centerpiece for the dinner table, with the dining room being decorated with a profusion of potted flowers. The bride Is a former student of the Branch Agricultural college where she was affiliated with the XI Lambda Tau sorority, and during the past winter has been attending at-tending school at the L. D. S. Business college In Salt Lake City. Mr. Bryan is well known locally, having been employed in Cedar City for the past two years. At present pre-sent he is employed In Caliente, Nevada. On Sunday, April 6th. Mrs. Wood entertained at a beautifully appointed appoint-ed tea In honor of her daughter, being assisted' In the arrangements by Miss Blanch Wood, aunt of the bride. Tt.e tea table, covered with a lace cloth, had as Its centerpiece a large bowl of daffodils, flanked on either side by yellow princess tapers. Mrs. Max Wood and Mrs. Drex Adams poured during the afternoon af-ternoon and Miss Pauline Stephens was In charge of the gift room. Musical numbers were furnished by Miss Emily Russell and Miss Enid Knight. Forty guests called during the afternoon. HONORS SISTER AT BREAKFAST Miss Gwendolyn Hansen entertained enter-tained at an Easter breakfast Sunday Sun-day morning at Mary's Tea Room In honor of the birthday of her sister, sis-ter, Miss Winona Hansen, Instructor at Snow College at Ephralm, who spent the week end visiting In Cedar Ce-dar City. The guests were seated at small tables each of which had as Its centerpiece cen-terpiece a beautiful boquet of sweetpeas in various shades of plnic. Cup cakes, fashioned Into Easter baskets, marked the places for the the following guests: Mlrs Hansen, Miss Edith Ott, Miss Mar jorie Mitchell, Mitch-ell, Mrs. Jean Morrow, Miss Leone Jex, Miss Virginia Bergstrom, Miss Lydia Alder, Mrs. Zoe Palmci, Miss LaVeve Petty, Miss Frances Knott, Mrs. Grace Hawkes,- and Mrs. Prudence Croft. A "bunny" birthday cake completed the decorations. de-corations. Following the breakfast, the time was spent playing cards with score prizes being awarded Mrs. Croft and Miss Ott. A dainty gift was also presented to the guest of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Thompson and family of Ogden, former residents resi-dents of Cedar City, spent the week end visiting In Cedar City and St. George. While here they were the guests of Mrs. Thompson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Thorley. ANNOUNCE DAUGHTER'S ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Urle Williams announce an-nounce the engagement of their daughter, Zelma. to Clay Ford of Yorktown, Virginia, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Ford of CeSar City. The wedding Is scheduled to take place at Yorktown early In June. Both young people are graduates of the Branch Agricultural College where they were prominant in nil student body activities. Mr. Ford enlisted In the United States Navy Immediately following his graduation, gradu-ation, being released In March of this year after serving for a period per-iod of six years. He is now stationed sta-tioned at the naval mine depot nt Yorktown. The Women's Civic Club will meet Friday. April 18th. at 3 p. m. in the L. D. S. Institute building at which time Mrs. O. C. Anderson will discuss Venezuela, one of the South American Irenubllcs. All ladles interested are Invited to attend. at-tend. Eighteen members of the En Avante Literary Club held their birthday party at Mary's Tea Room .Wednesday evening. A beautiful birthday cake, surrounded by spring flowers, formed the table decorations. decora-tions. After dinner, games were played play-ed and individual presents were passed out. GIVE PIANO AND ORGAN RECITAL Thirteen members and three special spe-cial guests, Mrs. Mark Webster, Mrs. Thurman Hlgbee, and Mrs. William Condle, were entertained at an unusual organ and piano recital re-cital In the Cedar City L. D. S. Third ward church at the laat meeting of the L. F. A. club. The program, which was under the direction of, Mrs, Ray Knell, featured Mrs. Scott Day, Mrs. Eugene Eug-ene Palmer, Mrs. Reed Roberts, Mrs. William Condie and Mrs. Knell and consisted of the following numbers: num-bers: Piano solo, "Menuet a'L' Antique" An-tique" by Paderwski, Mrs. Knell; piano duet, "Second Movement from Tschaikowsky, - Mrs. Day and Mrs. Condie; piano and organ duet "Largo" by Handel - Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. Roberts; organ solo, "Prelude "Pre-lude from Lohengrin", by Wagner -Mrs. Roberts; palno and organ duet, "Adoration", by Borowskl - Mrs. Day and Mrs. Palmer; piano solo, "Scarf Dance", Chamlnade - Mrs. Knell; piano duet, "Second Movement Move-ment from Beethoven" - Mrs. Day and Mrs. Condie; organ and piano duet. "The Last nhnrd" hv finllivnn - Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. Roberts. Prior to the recital, the ladles were the guests of Mrs. Day at her home where they were served a dainty buffet luncheon. wmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmsmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmm |