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Show LOCAL COUPLE UNITED IN MANTI TEMPLE RITES Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Ruth Roblaon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Roblson of Hinc.Uey, and Kay Ahl-strom, Ahl-strom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Ahlstrom of Cedar City. The young couple were married In the Mantt L. D. 8. temple Saturday. Sa-turday. April 12th.. and left Immediately Im-mediately after the ceremony for a short honeymoon trip to various point in California. Upon their return re-turn they will make their home In Cedar City. The bride, who has been employed employ-ed for the past year as a stenographer steno-grapher at the Stevens and Company Com-pany department store, Is a graduate grad-uate of the Branch Agricultural college where she was affiliated with the XI Lambda Tau sorority. Mr. Ahlstrom Is also a graduate of the B. A. C. where he majored in mechanical arts. Since his graduation gradua-tion he has been employed by the Bradshaw Chevrolet company. |