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Show POPULAR COOiPLfe k . TO BE WEDDED Next Wedesday in the Salt Lake temble Mr. L. A. Thorley and Miss Mame Parry will be united in marriage. The contracting con-tracting parties are two cf the best known and most popular citizens of Cedar City and Iron county. The groom is one of the most highly respected and successful business men of the city, and a member of one of the leading families of this part of the state. He was born and reared in this, city but for almost ten years, untU last fall, resided in Wyoming.'wherehewas successful success-ful in acquiring extensive land and live stock interests. At the last election he was elected to the Wyoming legislature as representative rep-resentative from Big Horn county, .that state. At the close of the session of the legislature he returned to Cedar City and expects to make his homo here in tlie future. f hebride is one of the city's most charming daughters, who numbers her friends by the hundreds. hun-dreds. She was .born and grew to womanhood here. Her father is Edward Parry, known as "Uncle Ed," and who has been a leading figure in the political and industrial y affairs of, the county for .inany year.; Site ' bjft,fenhajgafer in .ttwsocia if "Mame" were, abMncrHS Has been the Manager of' the Equitable Co-op store for more than a year and under her guidance guid-ance the business has grown until it is one of the foremost establishments in the city. She will retain her position for a short time, until the owners can secure a new manager. Th.e happy couple will depart for alt Lake City Saturday, afternoon. They will remian in Salt Lake for about a week or tea days after which they will go to California to spend their honeymoon. They exepct to be absent about four weeks, returning return-ing to this city about the first of May, when they will be at home to their host of friends. The Record extends congratulationscongratulations congratula-tionscongratulations to the groom, congratulations to the bride. May your married life be strewn with joys like unto the fragrance of roses, the essence es-sence of sweet perfume', - - m in 1 1 |