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Show That Wedding Shower. Tho Boaisty ovout of tho bciirou, without auy question, whs tho wod-diug wod-diug shower given last Monday ovon-lug ovon-lug n tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rich-ard Palmer In honor of f'olr daughter Catherine nnd Mr. Menzles Macfnr-lano. Macfnr-lano. Tho fuuctiuu, which wmb n sur prleo on tho youug oouple, was nrt-fully nrt-fully urrangod nud nicely oxeouted, uud rbtlootud much uiodlt unon tho MiHaes Purry, Ilalght, Cnnilold, ot. ill., who woro recpoiiblblo for the par ty The contracting pnrttts, (brido and groom (?) ) had spent thu day In Parowan, and there seemed to bo a very gouoral uudoistandiug that thoy wero there on .thn usual mlesion of young puoplu whose friendship has rlpoaod Into that mom ardent passion, pas-sion, uud whesa hearts nro drawn tn-gather tn-gather by that myetorlotiH sausntlon which It Is imposalblo to roach In nuy other ic au n er thiui mmrlago; nu impression im-pression that they had not in any mannor nttompted to stem. And it was duriug tlmlr nbaouot) that the Idea of a ahowtr for thorn wa9 con-colvod con-colvod nud carefully planned. After tho session of Mutur.l Im-provemout Im-provemout meeting was over tho youug pooplo putticipntlng uollrctjd at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. ii. L' Knoll, aud when thu watchers reported report-ed that Mr. Mnofnrluno had repaired to tho homo ot tho purported bride, the guosts swooped In unon them in n body, their arms loaded with presents, pres-ents, with which tho youug peoplo wero completoly ovorwholmod. Tho brldo nud grnom wore almost too much ooufusod nnd ombarasaed to Uud uttoranoo, nnd made futilo efforts to "explniu." Theu the opening of tho parcola wns commenced, und tholr ombnrrassraent wns quiokly couvortod Into merriment nnd they prououuood it tbo best practical jcl:o of thu year. Aa the wmppera woru removed from the varlos paroelB, there wbb found HtHblo'oitjfltvhcted'Out'c?-'7duaH'bbx-r es, a Hour biu Improrisod from a Hull keg, n broad box mndo from au empty emp-ty mutch can; clocks that would uot "tlok," egg boaters that would nut rovolvo, peelers that would uot "pool" not "pool;" dishes galore, from tho alios, with fragments mis sing, provisions consisting of rusty bacon, ovor-iipo hen fruit, ordorlfor-otia ordorlfor-otia onions, nud liko eavory and iuvit-lug iuvit-lug mnreelo; wearing nppa-el for tho brido and groom, which they proceeded proceed-ed to don, aud n heap of other stnlf tliut Ui i", to s uot room to tnoutlou her(. All day Tuosny Iho bride, who is omployrd iu tho local poBt cflloo, wiih kept :sv reoelving oduKrrtlulatloca rrnm her many frlouda, uud tbo groom Iu Bsttlng up the olgnrs lo tho boyo. And now, that quostlon that will not dowii Is: "Aro thoy really mnr-rlod?" mnr-rlod?" Aud the only nnswor that tho Record con give is this: "if thoy orou't, thoy ought to be." |