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Show earlyA riserU HEAOAOHE tf BEST sw TORPID LIVER J LITTLE DY8PEPSIA PILLS, BILIOUS I At- As. BAD BREATH WAYS W BAD COMPLEXION CURE V CONSTIPATION SICK HEADACHE a -.l .T I l,oiH'i cured bj PAmTTDQ h"eUttloPills. lMrVI LflLJ . Thayalao relieve DU waei StsltV tress from Dyspepsta.In HlTVIt? dlgestlonandToolIeam plllLb HaUng. A perfect rem- llftrn odyforI)lzilneas,Xaitsas I I VLK Drowsiness, Sad Taste H null ln tb Month, Coated ilLlsO. Tongna.ralnlnthsHlda TOltl'ID UVEIt. The) BsMkH regulate tha llowols Purely Vegetable. 1 Price 25 Cents; 0ASTEB MEDICINE CO., HEW YOilK. Small Pill. Small Dose, Small Price, J. J. THOMAS & CO., Wholesale Ehlppers of COLORADO COAL, 1000 t'uiii. Nt., meruit, C01.0 Epeclal Kates to Clubs and Farmers' Alliances. B8K?f&l ULJCfllf 'rom Norvona Debility. VI. &W EHtUal Wasting eta Send for mv """ freellonknt Itemevlles nnd cure Tour-selvosatliocie.llr.J,Ucnnert.lia.aarkit.,Chlcai;o Tour-selvosatliocie.llr.J,Ucnnert.lia.aarkit.,Chlcai;o PNf.1 CrSillm"or"t'ln','Jl- Bin lent, work two UIIUI.IOU boii.rorbo.rl and room SuiMl.nl liutlusu Coll, f, iti lloor N. V. 14 U.U ar. W. I. Lar. toon, J"iss', Omsaa, Hsu. mmmmmmmmmm.mmmm-mmmm I oiste; kivjoy Both tbo mctliod and resulla wlicn Syrup of Figs it taken; it is pleasant i and refrcHtiiug to tho taste, and acts j gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, 1 Liver and Bowels, clcauses the sys- j tcm cflectually, disjiels colds, head- ! aches and fevers and cures habitual j constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho 'J only remedy of its kind ever pro- J duced, pleasing to tho tasto and ao- 8 ceptalile to the stomach, prompt in a its action nnd truly beneiicinl in its a cflccts, prepared only from tho most m healthy and ajrrecablo Bulistnnces, jl its mnny excellent qualities com- fl mend it to all and hava mado it fl ' tho most popular remedy known. a , Syrup of Figs is for snlo In COo M 1 nnd 81 bottles by nil lending drug- a ' gists. Any refiahlo druggist who may not have it on hand will pro- 11 euro it promptly for any ouo who S wishes to try it. Do not accept M ftnv substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 1 3AN mASOISCO, CAL. 9 LOUISVILLE, Kt. HEW YORK. H.r. 9 GRATEFUL-doMFORTINQ. "' 1 mv cocoa BREAKFAST - "Dr thorough knoTtrtiga o( the natural lawa whiciigOTfrnttie operations of digestion anil no g iritlon, and bf a cnreful npnllcatlon of tho flu 1 properties of well-fetcctcd Cocoa. Mr, Kpps haa j EroTlded our break fan tablos Uh a dellratel J aroured bofortige which mar 'are m many heavy ? doctors' bills. It ts tr the Judicious uvo of suen articles of diet that a constitution ranr bo gradual )r built up unlit strong enough t resist orerjr ten . de tier to dlsesno. Hundrettsof subtln maladies ar floating around us readr to attack whero erthera Is n weak point. Womar escnnnmanrn fatal shaft by keeping oursoUi a well fortlQed with turu blood and a properly nourished frame. " CitHi Berries Untelte." Made f Imply with boiling water or milk. Hold ; Only In hlf-iiund tins, by (irocors, labelled, thust JAMES EPPS&C0., Homoeopathic Chemist I London, England. I BOnFWELLSTil Oar Well Uarhlnesara tha most r III U II la I aEUASLa.nt'a4BLR.surcKMrii.t II , ars. 1 TlifjriloSHIIIKWIIIIK.n,! vn? lPlOrV I ntkaUIIKAlKIt rilllFIT. TV if J! liter jtinikii r.n hcrr Vn H VTJHP1! f then KAILI' An rlt. 1 JiUi ' 1 ' VBll V inches toss inches dUincttr. GfvK ffljH ' S J.00MIS & NYMAN, Jm ct0.oBue Ki TIFFIN,-OHIO. lPSFRSEJ .aSfjTsSBftkw Q r.teaistriaaeknowlf)t4 1 fssRaaijfl leading remeily for all lb E '.cSireHliiH unnatural dlscbargea anA n aSBBri Tn a ua. Y8.W Prlvatadlsraseaotmen. a tt sftWusLoMa-iVsl certalacureforthpHebll? f HsV sum BuUisrt. " tatlns; weakness peculla k M tOMooen. . . J IsaSI iiriwitlr I prescribe U anil feel sat I UU Tut fninj CHtmr-llPfl In recomroeuillni 11 to I Va. OKCmMTI.OtBM all sarrertrs, . u.b.. Jm.! 8T0NEH.H 0 .Dccunjs.lu. ',' rsaTsCaSmttil I'ltiCE 01.00. '- cf5 ARE YOU WEAK 1 JL B tfjron suffer rrora ioit smitooo, . itV MUIOIS DISEiSKB, OH Wilts of an. VrS. kind from KXiasskS, e wiiiaiveyva X .. ., ., alRKTaUtof this nulDIUHLUKB "SanallVO. niMc "niriiumiiuutiiieVer i nntnat ease. Wrllsus tosendyouarilSlsasn- "'""" . pie racka suled In plain wrapper. i hti'llal. .iivrnrstampiuciuoverparldiurandposUffe. jl lUBtu UllaiUL 10., ill Pcariwrn St., Chlcau, lit ' ' nlsTfMTk "''. citii.tMiKN I II IPS pJHs Tk.uMads r joubs un uA . S Ml Sfl m "..a la til U. H. A. e jSMff m HVaAawBMlTr lhvlrhTMiatUiarbeiluiua SsSMk ! II "lr "" ' 1.1. .J " WisTsVWAVJP, nadCklldhMilbsrlDibms f laWmSWflkIKil U'lrt Kol. j Ilr.l(t,u, HI uris tiik latnno mou ij&nuii. wiiiu.iticu : SIX CHI Stalls. CO, I'alascr, Mau. M Ol ri IP rou have an puiin B ZmlM MT Utn before Is7l,sena 1 list. We pur fruni Or v.aa..-.. Hcents to luu premium 1 CiDlLnlS Him hundreds of kinds. fc. Til" Cneloso stamp for parllo- FjB Mulnrs. Jlsjr mean a for- V , X tAJ AUTrnl1' iJ??iiB,r. o.b.s v " WWaTIW I Km WWJt HIS, B..I,., bsm. MEMORY j Mlnil wandering enrwl. Bonks learned " MrtfhL""! ,Ttl""nl'l'roira J EJ?J cL,h. ,I,M 'rieelusroirp JT rnrE.. sent nn .pplleatlun to 1'mr. A. Luiseita. gr yilUi Ara. K.w York! .4 33Coxaa.o Xjoooratlou ''' Jfetv ""aw. .".r lniproed Novell Kuif Ma. I M RRfcrS? eblne uses 3 needles, come r.eedle for ,' Nff (JipUJ-ruK,mlttens.4c.,and fine needle for laf VJgpS'Vy seplnrrs. or silk, on plnsb or telret. SK n.t .e v..m Haihlnes sent or mail for I 10. I'rle. 1 !!.'i,J,f,hl."' rult "". ne embrolderr. Pat. M 1 terns ou Jlu.lln. )arns, scpnrrs piuth, e .sent fre. T I Uheral terms to agentfc' r fc. Ittjf.8 CO.! Toledo, a ,X J I STEREOPTICONSBaCnSc. 1 CH,GO' MAGIC LANTERNS. it te&Wr.rt!W;jfa I ,J riTT-,K1Jr ft" ".seoerl a.fmple mean.ofaJX 1 lli I I wmssm i FAT FOLKSlSS : 1 PATENTS ws-va Am Band for ciroolar. a tk (TiM 511 C l!lrt,'?, '1o f"11 '' Selool an ifl UlwMifw K,li.a. U . U .t,LLa,OuiaUa,NU FLORIDA ""'tt";'""'-a. I k UVlllUll mker." u. a. l!.-t,,a rrs-Sa :, IRsVJsZ. |