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Show Hook on Tarlfr Lnir, Doycmwsnt to Iniwull alwut las new tariff rates and other customs legl.latlt.nl 1L F. Downing; A Co., Custom Hon. Ilrokera, New York, hava pjbll.lie-1 a Imntlaomo pocket sited book with all tariff rates alphabitllealljr arrangwli articles on how to llauro dutlo'i foreign eipreas ratesi drawback of dalles and all Information on Imports and export. With this book you am a tariff eipeit. No other book so complete, com-plete, handy and reliable bu yet appeared and as all aro tntereiitcil in tho tariff alt should have a copy. Bend SI 00 to It. r. Downjng & Co., SO Excfcanga llaco, New York. ' ' |