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Show Hint tit IIiiiMrheriM'Cii. To stop hiccough, toko a lump of sugar Biituratod with vfnogar. Put bits of camphor gum lu trunks or drawers to prevent tho mtco from doing nuy injury. To brlghton c.irpots, wlpo thorn with wnrm wutor In which has boen pourod a few ilropof ammonia. To fresTlHRKMIMtchalpf Hcat9,wnS lUos bags, etc, rub thorn with tho woll-bo 1I011 whllo of 1111 ogg. It Is not generally known that tin donned with nowspupcr will shlno hotter Ihan when cloanod with flannol. A clothes wringer can bo oaslly cloansod from tha Hut thut collects 011 tho rollers by saturating u cloth In koroscno mid rubbing it over. llutter or cans of milk may bo kopt porfoclly cold by bolng wrapped in 11 clotli nnd sot lu u Ucop dish containing contain-ing a little wutor, whero air is circulating. circu-lating. Do not fun 11 sick persou unions you nro roqulrod to do so or thoro Is a good louson why you should. A nervous porsou Is ofton mado vory uncomfortable uncomforta-ble by It. To mnko good mucilngo without us-Ing us-Ing gum arable, tuko two p.irts of doxtrlno, llvo parts of wutor and ono part of ncotlo uold. Dlssolvo by boating, boat-ing, nnd add ono part of alcohol. Koop tho back, especially bctwoon tho shoulder blndaj, woll coverod; also tho chest wall protected. In slooplng In a cold room, establish tho habit of breathing through tho nojo, und never with tho open mouth. To muko 11 convenient arrangement for drying collars and cuffs uso 11 ploco of muslin, on which you sow buttons lu numboVi and pdsltlons to suit, nnd fasten thut strongly on to tho clothos line, and tho linen articles will not got torn und lost. |