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Show Klofk mill llnlr Nolrn. Tho butter oxtrnctor gots rid of nvcry old faililoncd implomont and utensil between the milk pall and tho butter piickngn and what 11 world of labor and trouble and nnxloty Is thus disposed of. Dairying and innrlcot vcgotublos may go together very conveniently und profitably. Tho wusto of tho crops, as dofecttvo vegetables, will alTord excellent foodlng for, tho cows whllo tho manure will pay for all. Thoro Is no reason why horsos nnd cows may not bo kept in tho same building, but thoy should bo kopt In separate stablos. Tow horso stables aro free from tho strong odor of nm-monlu nm-monlu nnd this would infest tho cows' milk oven through tho breathing of Impuro air. Ono by ono tho bugboars which huvo boon oxhlbltod to the dalrymon by so-called oxports are dissolving from view Hko morning clouds. First tho polliclo of tho buttar globule faded away; thon tho churn dasher, and somo others, and now tho swoet croain butter which noeus only a similar pro-coss pro-coss of rl ponlng for a day or two to acquire all the uromu of tho Cost rlpo croam butter. When wo loaru why things should be dono wo may muko tho how to suit ourselves. Do you hear anything nbout tho gonorul purposo horso? ono to plow and mow, go In a carriage, or under a saddlo und sell for u roadstor? Not much or ofton. Kvory man who buys 11 horso wants tho unlmal to bo 6ultod for his special purposo, und if for draft, it is quito a dlfTcront horso from tho naddlo or driving anlmnl. Ana yot tho old lad ubout gonorul purposo cows, good for milk, buttor and boof is still tojsod ubout by somo of tho dairy experts, who nolther milk cows or mnko butter or cheeso oxcopt oh paper. |