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Show WWW Kiirmlri lo I'oultrj-. m A correspondent of tho rn.otlcal 1 l'ntraer says. .Minks, nkunlcn, wonsols m and Hlnnl.ir ddpi-odutors m-o grout nnUan.-o loliio poultry rnlsor, und In siuiio plaeei) it U necessary to wugo R, . ' jj'lirYrT'l jw- 1 Thoy'wll' find HBbfljiioino way to gt iAto tbwinOs In- f, goitl(miy contHVod hoii-lioiiao, and H - Jonst ou" the best ogg or tho fattest H "jui 1'oultry houses constructod 1 near wifler'o.mblo tho sly cnomlos to H sut'til: up nud do consldorablu dumago to tho Hoc-!; in tho dnytlmo, but as n H rule tho grunlijat dumago is dono nt fl nlghU A p.ilr of minks in u poultry B lioiiRo over night would do mora dam-H dam-H ago than all tho uhldccu diseases put H togetlirr. Whero theso miNuuues mo H npuciitily nctlvo nml numerous It would H bo well to sut trnpi for them tho com-M com-M man ntwl trap being tho best and nt H tho sunn tlmo put some protoctlvo M Wire iinmiirt tho poultry Iiouhu. 'J'hls H can bo dono vory canity und cheaply. H Euciiruly c'o:o tho huii-ltoiuc, either H luslda or outside, with u tftrong, cIoao M niya netting. Kvon tho lloor Insldu H should bo cuvomd with It so that no B inlco'i-.m ontcr. If u ventilator Is H u;ed cover that also with tho wire. |