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Show swSBs ' y H ' ' FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. H TIMELY GUCOESTION3 FROM H GOOD AUTHORITIES. H fjalllnc Mock In Mlitrrroaltri' Jlin; H Katmlrs-Art.lrrtriJ OrrhtHi Jlllklnif H loana; (Vms f.'eneral lnrr.i B Hints tnil Mori oln, H HnUInc In Winter Time H In tho winter tlmo llio lmport:incoof H n rognlnr und constant rfuppty of salt H ii not fully nppreclatod by till stock H (jrowors, nml cspoclnlly by thoso who H kcop only 11 fow miimiils. Tlio uvorngo M (armor gives the salt to the nnlmals H whon ho huppons to think of It, ami H this Is somcllmoi not vory oflon. The H best results can bo oblulnod from rook H or lump suit plnced In tho feed boxes. H Tho clnnjfor from tnklng- too much salt H comes not from huvlnc It on hand all H of tho time, but from denying tho L anlmuls of it for n long period. Thon R. In their cagornoss to satisfy tholr r nntnrnl cravings thoy will sometimes mf -nt mnro than tholr systcmB roally ro- T quire. It is soldom that un animal will H tako In rnoro food or wntor than thoy 1 really require. Thoy know when to stop von If their maitors do not. Salt is H m cBscntlut constituent of tho blood, H nud salt liunjor may lead to oxcoss H when tho animal lssuddonly permitted H an opportunity of supplying Its lack. H Many of tho common foods given to tho H nrilmuls aro lucking lu salt constlt- f uonts, mid lionco tills ossontlal'raubt 1 bo supplied artificially. Animals on B Jno farm will nood more of It than on 1 Another, for on homo boIIs it Is lacking B a in tho soli Itself, and tho grains grown M on It must necessarily bn dollclonu , Halt l ulco a common constituent of " milk. d If nnt given to tho covr It 1 must bo drnwn from Ujnt stored In hor H blood tissues. This cannot bo dor.o 1 without seriously impairing tho honlth of tho unlmal. Una cannot thus toll how much tho nnlmals need. Tho qimntily must bo left lo them, mid this 1 can only ho dono by hooping rock salt H near thorn all tho tlmo. |