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Show A MAQNIFICENT P.EVENCIE. A few jeara ago while Tlohert Stewart Stew-art sas Oosernot of Missouri, a stenm-boat stenm-boat man wus Inought In from the lenltcntlars as an applkant for n pir-ilou. pir-ilou. He wus u large, poweiful fellow, fel-low, nnd, ssljen the (loicrnor looked at him, ho seemed strangely affected IIo sirtitlnlted him lone ami ilosely. IT-nally, IT-nally, ho signed the document that te-slored te-slored the prlsonei to llbert. Ilefoio ho handid It lo blni, he said: "You will lommlt some oilier crime, and be In the penllcntUrj again, I rear" 'the man solemnly piomlsed that ho would not The Ooicrnor looked doubtful, doubt-ful, mused a fesv minutes, and said: "You will go baik on the riser nnd be a mato ugaln, I suppose? ' The inun replied that he would. Well1 ssant uu to promise 1110 one thing," resumed the Oosernoi, ' ( ssant you to pledge jour word that, when jou aic mate ugaln, jou will ncser take n Billet or wood In our hind und drlse a slik boj nut of n bunk to help jou load jour boat on n stormy night. The steamboat man slid he ssould not nnd liuiulted what the Gosornor meant by usklng blm suih a question. The (Josernor replied. 'Deiause, some day, that boy maj beiome u Gosornor, Gos-ornor, and jou may want htm to pnr-'flon pnr-'flon jou for 11 1 rime One dark, storm) night, many jeais ago, jou slopped jour boat 011 the Mississippi riser to tuko 011 h load of wood. There was a boj 011 boanl who was woiklng his passage pas-sage fiom New Orleans to 8t Louis, htit ho was erj sick of fesei and svas lying In a bunk You had plenty of men lo do tho work but jou went to that boj with n stick of wood In jour hand and droso him with blows nnd Mire.cs out Into the wretched night, nnd kept him tolling like n slave until tho loul wui coiniileUd I was that boy. Heir Is jour patdon Neser again be guilty nf such brutallts " Tho man. loweilng nnd hldlnR his face, went out without n word What a noble icscnge that was, and svhat n lesron to a bully! ht. Louis btaiv |