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Show o u. e t o xi x jv. . B n IH " "1 Kill Han Vw Coil'bl THOUSANDS HAVE KIDNEY li I TROUBLE AND DON'T KNOW IT il vl I pS- lipfll ri I ,h 1 1! hi, iNw mSrfr v ..'' a I ' wl IItI Jii BfaMC ' '1 H CTO,i,ti-jfiU. ? - " :7-sLsMm.' f AM mM fun ggggggga To Prove wh.it Swamp-Root, (he Great Kidney Remedy, Will Da vM, IH for YOU, Every Reader of "The Tribune' May Have a Sam- ! jjaj IH pic Bottle Sent Free by Mail. j:(lj pH Weak nnd unhealthy kidneys nro icsponslble for more sickness nnd ifl lggggi cufferltip; than any other disease, therefore, when through neglect or 1 tt j-S PH other causes, kidney trouble is permitted to continue, fatal results are, ' I'lllH ggggggggj sure to follow. I jjffl H Your other ergons mi) need attention but your kidneys most, bs- 'Mill igaB causo they tlo most nnd need nttentlon first I '.4jH PPPJ If you nro elck or "feel badly," begin taking Dr Kilmer's Swamp. tf'tvHitnl gggggfl Root, the great kidney, liver nnd bladder rcmedj, because as soon na ' lei ffil ggggggggj your kidneys are well they will help nil tho other organs to health. A E S if ' Pgccci trial will convince anyone 1 jyj if' The mild nni Immediate effect or Dr Kilmers Hwnmp Hoot the gieat kldnes nnd bladder rrmeds la soon rialUed It atands the highest lor Ita wonderful euros of the most dlstreaatng 1 asoa Swamp Hoot will set sour whole a) stem right nud the best proof of this la n trial II West llilh St. Nesv ork ( Hy Pear Sir O t IS pun I had been suffering seserels from kid lies trouble All svmploins were on bull my former strength an I power had loft me, I could hardly drag myselr ulong t sen ms mental niparlls wis Rising nut and often I wished tn die ll was llien I saw an advertisement of sours In a New ork inixr but would not base paid ans attention tn It bad It not protnl.ed a sworn (.uariintrn with 1 vers hullo ot voir meilltlne asserting tint sour Bwotnp Hoot Is pur. Is vegeinble nnd dies not loutaln anv harmful drugs I nm events sears nnd four months oil ami with a aon I conscb nee I enn recomin. nil Ssvamp Itoot to all nrferers from kllnej tmiil Ies Four member of ms rimllv have been using Swamp Hoot for Jour different kidney disease, with tho same good result With mans thnnks lo sou, I rem iln, Ver) truly sours, HOIir.HT IIiniNHIt You may hase a snmpl' bottlo of Ihls rnmmis kidney remeds Swutnp-llont Swutnp-llont sent rreo by mall, postpnl I, hy sshlch )ini may test Ita virtues rnr such dlaordera aa kidnc), bladder and uric HDITOIUVI. rvOIIPK If jou Ins, bladder trouble or ir thero Is 11 liuee m lo Pr Kilmer A Co, HlnRlmmtnn, N Imtnedlnlel) without coat to jnu, a ni containing many ot the HiniiHiinda 01 nnd women cuied in wrtlnjf bo 11 nlti rlu Tin Inlir Moiinlalu raimirnii il ir net I diseases, poor digestion, when. iteJiHP gccccca iiblli;eil to pasa .sour water frequently Hltl'J ; ggggccal 11UM nnl dns smarllng nr Irritation I ttM 9 ? gccccca lu pissing brick dust or se llmeut la ' f, H the urine henilnrhe bmknrhe lams '5t'i ! gccccaal bull dullness slieplessness nervous- j rfs s KH ties heart disturbance due to bad kid- Lu i H ties trouble skin eruptions from hoi tliSM i cccaca blood tuuinlgli rheiiuntlam dlnbMcs, I liu JB M bioutlng Irrltubtllt) svnrnout feeling, 5, i , H Intk of ninbltion loas of flesh, sallow f IJ "U B tomplexlon or Hrlght s disease t jf H II your ssnter sshen allowed In re. ,mI ,fl H main um'lstuibed lu a flora ,r bnttla 3 llaiB cccBaai lor twents rour houra rorma a nedl- g 1'jflM gccccal menl nr retttlnu or has a .cloudy up. WAOHl cccacfl Clearance It la tsldrnce that jour kid' jj Mans 1 mss or blnilln net, I Immediate nt. .i'itlB cccccci tentlon I nlfn saVcccl Sssnnip-llont la the greit discovery HrnSEUl ccccal of Dt Kilmer Hie eminent kidney anl (i'llIB ccccal blndler specialist Ilnapllals use it l.'l!ci S wllh wonderful Klines n both slight i'rlllB caaV nnd severo ens a Dot torn recommend (3 til If BaS It to their'rallents and use It In their iSUJltB BH own families beialist Hiey rrroglllre tu iiitl'lfia BaV Swamp-Hoot the ,:reatest and most ii6;Jj9 BaaV Hunessrul miied j linlKlS BaBacI Bwnmp-Hnot Is pleasant to lake nmt ffffi SIsJ H la for sain Ihe ssnrl 1 over nt druggists $K ihm H In bottles nt twn sires und two prices Mngj Jul H lift) rents nnl one dollar Hrinember WT. 'am mmM the name Swnmp-llno, Pr Kilmers WJl j'fjjj H Swamp-Hoot and the nddress, lllns- Jl!! iBfl caaB hnmtnn, N Y , nn esery bottle, &t$ IHI H : the sllRhtest aymi loma of kidney or !,Oil I H f it lu your fiimils lilstcrj, send nt one t',jl8 I BBBB Y who will Rlndly, send sou by mall I It i H mplc Imttle or Swamp-Hoot nnd a book f; ff H F trstlmiuilal lettirn reiolsed from men t I 1 IM H ur to sas that )ou read this geneious t1 J rl BBB il Hanchinuii f 1 il 0B 111 & w jii James S. Dean, commander General :lprfJcH UU Grant Past, 0. A Is., Kingston, NY, JIH MM suffered misery from Dispepsh Doc WIsTbTJ bbcb tors pronounced bis caso incurable, but rHBcf BccB Dt David Kennedy's Pavorjto Remedy, e$lswr ccBci In a short time, cured him completely, SIn BcbI Dr DftTld Kennedy t TavonU Remedir cures iwifll H DrlMpiiA, Stomach and Dowel difflculttet as wJ . IlsMI H tu all Kidney U191, Bladdir (end Blood Di&ease., (till rl H AUdruiirttltetlitlntho MESV CO CENT 8IZ8 &! 'lit. BBal and th refular $1 00 fUabotttet. AKUK H SampUMtU titpughfcr Irut, rti h matt, tRrtl H Or, David Kaneady Corporation, Itondout.N.Y. lalll H liTTlUill Itecli'. iTiale ti. SHi.TcTt'Zl t'S H ! arlafluaavalloatt UtXla, a:w iU v BBBJ |