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Show Thi Wetltrn Farmers No Longer Isolated. The thief cuure of the exodus from rounlrt to cltt baa been the Isolation and lonollness of fnim life Uaptclall) hn thla been true In the Weal, where firms a ro Urn' and neighbors are far apart Ihe nujorlt) of the Inmates of the Insane aa)luma In anme Western Htutes are wo men, a bin..' per cenl of th. in farmers wives, sent to ihe Insane hospitals a cording to ine.Hi ill experts bv the mil in iholy Induced b) taolallon The farmers children have fell this Inilueme too 'Ihev have usiillv been compelled to help about Ihe farm work during Un clue ami when lilkhl .1111. the) had little In the wuv of tioiks an I papers to nmuae them and neighbors were too fur apart for fre qiient gatherings rim monthly trip to the coiintv tent allowed them was a great event to the hlldrtn and It I lit e ir wonder lhat thc Hum I the town nun, live Ar Hies giew older the fase I11111 1011 or town llle giew upon them Hemetlme the were sent to tho town to alien I then graded school and this huronac! the Irk 1 spmeneas and loneliness of the farm when i they relumed io it with Ihe result thit 1 Ih hoy left thi farm 10 seek his fortune I In the clly I Hut now ill ihb I . h ingliig lturai Iree I delivery of the malls la laklug U illy pi I pers and Illustrated inugatlnvs Into the I farm homes The telephone Is . onncctlna neighbor with neighbor and with the surrounding sur-rounding towna I ote booka follow the I uuu-ajIncB into the homes of those who cm afford them and the traveling library supplies those who lannot purrhiae the I hooka The cpnaoliiuioii of rurul achoola while only in Its Incipient stage, Uvea I promise thai It will supply the bots and girls of the farms with the advantage nfft a high school education without the ne.LI elly of lowing their homes Uerencll 11 Malum In Hey lew of Ilevlews U |