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Show Save the Manure livery farmer Ins some stock Many could currs moie If Ihev would It Is I lettv well settled Hi it In the nnnurlal value alone often lies the pioflt of stoik lending, and this Is urged r.s an extra Inducement to feed hay and grain rather rath-er than sell It Hum) in! manure Is n perfect fcrtll-Irci fcrtll-Irci It not onl) contains nil of the ele-mints ele-mints necenaiir) for plant growth, but thet ate so llnel) comminuted or dlv. dd that Ihe same amount of phosphoric acid, potash nnd nitrogen In a given eiuuntlt) of stable manure Is worth more than the aimo quantity in commercial com-mercial feitlllzers II iriDiud manure containing straw or other roughage, which Is usually the 1 use has the additional advantage of Imptovlng the nieHhanlcnl condition of the aoll b) adding humus or ilecaylng vegetable matter Humus makes soil porous and light nnd lowers (he capll lurlt) of the soli Holl nf this character If n n ilttrul reservoir for moisture and evaporation takes place slowl) In the I'nst a phosphite sack" Is as common 11 sight us n grain bag In the W'tst Thla means that Hasten! faint-1 faint-1 rs are compelled lo depenj on somo form of commercial fertilizer for tho maintenance of soil fertlllt) nn their fauna Prof H inborn tells In his article arti-cle bow he adopted a worn-out Now llampshlie farm and brought It up to a piolltable fertlllt) It was n struggle with adverse condition and only Intel-IlKonce Intel-IlKonce and perseverance accomplished the end desired t'ommcrrlal fertiliser, vvnlci Is expensive, ex-pensive, Is llttlo Vnovvn In the West, and a proper conservation of manure will tend to keep It unknown Now Hut the rush of work Is over, the farmer will do well to turn his at-lenllon at-lenllon to odd Jobs nbout the plaie Femes can be put In repair with com. fort this kind of wetther, preparations ean be made for winter housing of stock repairs nnd general chores, hull ling planning for the next yeat s woik etc annul 1 now be given attention atten-tion Of all this fall work the hauling nnd scattering of manure Is one of the most Impoitnnt items The summer's accumulation if ant, should be put on the Holds where It will do the most goo I A manure spreader Is a good Implement, Im-plement, but in Its absence manure should be broken up aa tlnely as possible possi-ble sinl scattered nnl dumped In piles The maTVure pile has been called the poor man's bank but It ran be made Ihe rh h man s bank It Is stateel 011 good nuthorlt) that If but one tenth of the htru)ar.l manure now allowed to waste bv leaching overheating and running awn) 10 places wheie It does no pood were suvc 1 and wisely applied It would equ il In value the total amount of commercial com-mercial fertiliser toll |