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Show Dairy Notes When L'tah pastures support two cowa In the aero Instcod of requiring two acres to the cow, tho .Ulr) 1 redact will be four times as grcit as al present Kicking a cow th ct I Ijlng down mav make her get up more qulekl), but It will not Induce Tier to give any jnore milk If rock salt Ja.krM In the lard where Ihe cows can lick 1 eier ,H). there Is no danger that Ihej will get loo much at once Thero I no excine for an anlm-il car-rvlnt car-rvlnt a 1 air of hern upon the farm Many a cow goes Into winter In poor ion dlllon be. auae she has been peslered b) Hie horn II), which deposits Its eggs shout the baae of the horn later followed b) mnggots which deatrov the horn growth If the born were not there this would not occur Who will maintain that the grow Ing of horns Is not triielT A cow miv have u. Urge udler and give 11 good qinllt) of milk for ic short time. Inn If the has not a goal duiri form she luis not ihe machinery to keep on tilling her udder long enough to make her a prnntable cow More men have been de celved hy a large udder than b) an)thie- els. about a eow because lhat wna almost the only feature thfy looked at A Chicago dalrtmsn charged with selling sell-ing Impure milk brought Into court six women with bibles too young to talk, but whose locks Inapoke good health The mothera testified that the babies were fed on milk furnlahel by the defeiulunt, and th babies themselves were put In evl deuce aa exhibits A to F, Incltl-lve When two of the exhlblla cried the court had tn udmll thai their lung power afforded pre suinptlve proof that thero were no tuber miosis germs In the milk II Is prohibit tho nrst case on record In which rhlllren too toung to talk were cited aa witnesses |