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Show Poor Cows Not Cheap. Home dulrtmen argue Ihey cannot afford lo pay fano prices and thereforo must be content with cheap cows The averugo cows of the coimtrt makes from IJJ to im pounds of butter per milium, while no progressive dulrjmnn ought to be sutls-fled sutls-fled with less than .0 to SO pounds ruth per annum Huppose two men, A nnd II, c image In dalrtlng A believes In sturt big cheap anj buva ten cows al 125 JMO These we will suppo-e to be average cows producing 1JS pounds of butter euch per annum At 20 cents 11 pound her product amounts to 12 'Ihe lost of keeping would be about 130 ranking n loss or . 11 has a elirrerent Idea of elalr)lng and bu)s five cows al .) c ach2.v." Thev both have tlio same amount ot capital invested Wo will admit that 11 will nalurully feed ond care for his tows a little bitter than for having heller slock he would lake more Interest In them, could reillxe some proilt for a little extra feed and thus they would get a llttlo better fire than As II-cows II-cows would Just ns easll) produce iW pounds of butter as V. a would 123 pounds i( pounds al 20 cents equals M each per annum W Ifh coat ot keeping IT. the net profit would amount to !. each llemem-bcr. llemem-bcr. A s loas wos . a cow which makes a different e of J20 In favor of the better eow rhls statement Is not an overdrawn "".I ,e K0d eows nrn worth a stablo full of common ones It Is wise lo select the beat Individual nnlmals obtainable from some of the dairy breeds Moreover while pedigree la a go id thing to consider, Indlvlduallt) Is nf tar more Importance It takes an expert, however, to tell In all cuses bv outward appearances as to tho real value of a cow |