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Show I" WILL EXHIBIT IN IDAHO. 1 Sanpete County Stock Eaisers Make Entries for State Fair Prizes nt Boise. Two of the big cattle and sheepmen of lisli will Invade Idaho this tear with some of their rrlze winners and make an rffnrt to bring some trophies down from the north The men are -Jim 1 lk Jen-sen Jen-sen and John fleelev of Sanpete count) Yealerds) the) loaded each a car or sheep. onl In addition Mr Jensen sent up three line bulla Thev will exh'blt first nt the count) fair at Hlackfoot next week, and later they will go to the Idaho State f ilr st llolse This will be held October 2o-2Sth John Hpark s nne cattle were also shipped north vestcrda) t be present at these The State fair grounds were lively scs-terdat scs-terdat wllh th auction sale of fruit In Ihe m lrnlng 1 ml the preparations for ship, ring out the cattle nil day long Many of the cattle sheep and other animals wero shipped out during the da) for their re. steeilve homes Manj others especial!) horses are still on the grounds and will be a tarted ior their homes within a day or tw . Asfn rule Hie exhibitors speak In high terms nf the fair and the award of the prises Of eourso there are some who would hive awarded the ribbons diner, eptl. |