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Show I now to Buy i Dairy Cow. The beat flair) mor seldom bu vw" b it rather raise the ftaprltig or ihe (r beat milkers lo be their aue.eaaira writes -' M rtoot In Twentieth lenturv harm er It la hardly safe to but a tow that a dairyman wishes to aell for he utuslli wlahes to part with rtr for a reason If you have had experience In bu)lng nu perhaps know more about It than we do but as dalrting was our occupation fir manv tears, in herds of from live to fine cows on the place, we found that a eow with 11 thick neck large horns or, rather with horns thick ut the tmae and coirae black hair won a light milker and as tee havo alwats fed generoiisl) a cow of this t)pe, soon got her ready for the butcher and the butcher got her and her empt) stall was Piled with another kind of a cow The other cows had a liner organlia tlon her mutzlc was line her eyes were Hrge and clear, her neck long and thin VII her legs were well spread her pelvis was wide, her back Inc'tnel to be sharp her tings large heart on the same scale. I lent) of rib and flunk room with go.l depth to contain a Urge set of stomachs to work a large quantity nf food Into milk V long slim tall with a heavt brush goes with a good cow A man In bii)lng n cow tna be greatlt deceived b a large udder cow mat havo a large udelcr and )et give little milk A cow with a deep, narrow udder ending In large teats la seldom a good milker Hich an udder has coarse hair and abundance of It, It Is but little re duced In else by the milking proces A heuvv milker must have a large ud lr but It Is rather broid than long, nnd lo carry It well without bruising or charing the hind feet ahouhl be well apart tin h an udder should have short hair anl when mltkeet ahoul I be shrunk in sUe and tlie akin should hang loosel) over Its surface Ihe shape and srl of the teats Is an itn inrlnnt consideration In bujlng a cow The teats shnubl be plmed well apirt so th it there will be plent) of room for the hands of the milker This featuro Indl elites great milking ti.in.ll) All great milking cows tiave a wlli st read of teats I he shape of tho teat ad.la 10 or sub tructa from the value of a cow An Ideal shn ed teat Is long nnd rather slim Kver) one who pas milked rows knows how much abort teats Increase the labor of milking Phrro la n rl if a of leatt known among milkers as hull, rubber teats, so that when ou press on them with Ihe hand they glvo no milk or onlv a small stream comes Huch cows are the dreud ot all dairies, and although the) are often good milkers their owners are willing lo pass them on when a cowbujer appears |