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Show 0.BTOntA, B fleiri the A 1I-. W VC'l Hail I3H Boijhl Mieep for Sale. Six hundred jenrllng rams from registered reg-istered Hamboulllel. W. 8. Hansen, rams and thoroughbrerl Freuc h Merino ewes Hlverslde stock Farm, four miles west of Hlackfoot, Ida D. P. PltATT. Prop. Successor to Hlackfoot Sheep Co Who Built the Railroads!1 Apostle Woodruff nu le special reference tn the railroad' In the Tabernacle testerdav tes-terdav He said his people (the Mormon church) built the railroads snd furnish SO per tent of the traffic, which will bring out quite a discussion The chore h can be rsld to huve built only the old l'tah Central Ihe Utah Southern and Utah Northern but r-llniulshed Ihem all The Sal' J ake t Western Ihe Utah & Nevada and the second 1 lah Central were built bv members of the church The Union Paetnc Southern Pacific, Hlo Orande Western Hanpeto Nolle), Salt Lake A. Mercur, New Last Tlntlc, by for Hie bulk of Ihe mileage In Utah were built bv money from outsl le states brought into I lah for the purpose As to who fur-nixies fur-nixies the tonnage, fully evi per cent of the tonnage on the Shurt I Ine and tho Hlo Urqnde Western cornea from the mines J Harness 11 "f EUREKA V II Harness Oil 1 JHf rur t ? bOslltd oil, tl- lB tWjf riiir prtprr4 to wiib. HHl Ml MirJo ti STANDARD OIL CO.M FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. H'j ACH1 S OP lAS'D AH OOOII AS can be bought In Salt Like enjnt) to miles from the rllv 5 room house and atl Implements ind llj fruit trees I 2an a Itlcbter 19 Wcat 1st bouh Tel Ml FOR SHLE. One of the best farms In Salt Lake county SO ucres, well Improved, brick house good stables and plenty of water Farms for sale In Utah county, near Hlver valley, Idaho, etc Write for particulars par-ticulars A. UICHTGR, 13 WEST IS r bOUTH. HALr LAKE CITY. WOOIII-N SIA. I. PIPE. llrlaham Clt) I t ill Hept 21th Wi sealed propnsils will be received by rllv Council of llrlaham i Itv t tab in . o eleie k p in luesday O. eober 14 tin. for constructing about r;) feel I Ihlrt) Inch wooden stave i h for a wu ' imwer plant In llox hlder Creek canyon, mar HrlKhini t Itv ' ' Pints and ape. lib mi, ni may nr seen ut the ..rile, of 1 rank Iveiset c i: mi MtCornlek block Salt Uke ('It, r a lily I lab ' '"' """"'" '"iKlian. rlie right Is rever ed tn reject nnv nm! UU bids HLHI.lt I 'lioill's """ Maor rT).!bJLaLiaLiaLiaLV 'xilaltlailaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaV A Miraculous Feat. "It seemed that nothing shoft of a miracle could save my little daughter from an untimely death," says City Marshall A. H. Malcolm, of Cherokee, Kan. "When two years old she was taken with stomach and bowel trouble and despite the efforts of the best physicians we could procure, she grew gradually worse and was pronounced incurable. in-curable. A friend advised Mi?o4- Nervine and after giving it a few days she began to improve and finally final-ly fully recovered. She is now past five years of age and the very picture of health." Sold by all Druggists. Or. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart, Ind. UTAH NURSERY CO. Full line of fruit and ornamental tiees small fruits roses shrubs etc. Nursery and packing grounds, 9th Hast nnd 12th South Office, 308 Atlas block Mall or der solicited KEMMERER THE PERFECT COAL lias been given first place among W)o-mlng W)o-mlng coals by the Government of the United .States. THE KEMMERER COAL CO., Kemmerer, Wyoming. TEM.PHONK . Salt Lake Offices, til West Second South. P. I". KITTM3. Oenerul Sales Agent, EJEHESUR. Hole! Knutsford, Salt Lake Clt). PRACTICAL FURRIER, FUR DRESSER AND TAXIDERMIST. Highest rash prices paid for all furs and gsme heads Tho largest business of Its kind In the worlds 111.1 JOHN F. BOES, Manufacturing Jeweler. Old rold made Into now style Jewelry, Diamond work, medals, engraving, Jewelry Jew-elry repairing Orders by mall promptly tilled. M5- MAIN STUKET. TUTTLE BROS. HUS1NFSS LHTAMLIHIIUD tin. Correspond with us We will gladly and freely glvo ttm any Information In our line REAL ESTATE, MORTGAGE LOANS Taxes pall interest and Income col lecled Notaries public. Legal papirs virswn OFFICES: HO MAIN STREET. -q-v LABELS rw SyHakatsSyaWsaBft WP SfrofOTSAMrttii-i THE PERFECT EAR TAG. Universal Repair Machine n f'? 'Of sVsSjXEJBS.BXBsl jBi ."', ef-rvSaisi'l ssssR. '". 2$&1 9 Si ""-'' i':?.v.'.." v"'"is',!'rH.'rTVoVo'jrs"iHi a I lnl..-.t, u .. sll.l.lki A4dmii.it-.it.-. W. H. INK id, 8?0 E. 3rd So . Salt Lake City. Utah ICULLR1 a Sllt chTsuW5 .ngthTE the food ihey mij0nl them, they gain n e'v"- V stronger. The fa i.'S "i too weak to perform i,."" little appetite the, .JL gsne. The. Mood " ht , and watery. brinaJj" spells with loss ., dr bltlon. they are a,U'.-less a,U'.-less and subjects o?',' f disease on account of S -! There Is a. remedy f..(1l,"i act. In the right ,,'". Ul food you eat Into riehnj J? Inn flesh and etrwirth -1 petit, beeau tS"""!. sustenance This remie. ? Ounn s Blood mi 3JJJLh,-Is 3JJJLh,-Is sold by all drugrliUb,, ? box or three box,, ,0'V' malt on receipt ot -? S to be taken after e?h- ' g.lnln.olldn,hi,Vr 'fV per week. Ihi. mean. heVi?.' ' us about your ease w, ,.ll phlet we will send free a',?1 aunn rhlladelDhla, pi. Vfc son Drug Co, dlitriltuti. '" lAke City. UUh. "n,,Ml Bank of Coinnie TLA8 Blgcx Transacts aentm Banking Buslne niREcioiuj, DO NOT BUT tin SEU WHEAT, OATS, BAI OR POTATOES WITHOUT HleSTGSrnvie THICLS. CleavelandComi COMPANY, 13 W cat Second South gni P. O Box S03. SALT LAKE cm I 'Phone HA, THE UTAH JUNK DEALERS IV Hides, Pelts and Been Metala of all kinds Jlubber Bin Iron. Hottlei carload lot. i,r-i 63 65 E Eighth South Telertm BiltUkiCHil F. PLaTTfi Manufacturers ef and Ctici Harness, Saddles, Coll Whips, Blankets and Saddlery Bui IU-K3 Htate Bt . Salt UW Clt; THE Salt Cake CriM UTAH'S CJHEArni DAILY NEWBJAFU Iteflects the news of thi twllp btate, county and clif ITS MINING AB MARKET BErOEII Are full, fair and eoselirji JW In politics It Is lust and It prtai news both political snd ctssi without fear oi favor THIS ISA CAMPAIONIU And tou cannot ba slthoutmM Tiibune THRMB OF SUUSCRirTIOJ and Bundav Tribune. n ",.i' Hall) snd Sunda), onanonaf' and Bundo). one )'"", Tribune one veer, HOC SuWlr six months, Si CO --- POfHX Shades and Ornamentals of all kinds pr'!S rJll record of over half a century. Write for If" ', buying We want good local agents wrne i TREES r,'N-- NHHHI.IUE8 CO, llox HM, S.tt U Davis County Nurseries CENTERVILLE, UTAH, Havo for sale 000,000 of the best commercial varieties o i pie, pear, plum, prune, cherry, apricot, peach, nectarine ' i mond ever grown In Utah, nt reasonable prices; alio .mm roses nnd ornamental trees. V solicit mall orders. VAN METER, HARNESS & CO., Proprietor H Offices 015 nnd 310 Atlas Block, Salt Lake City, U"k Bog 208. WHY DO PROGRESSIVE DAIRYMEN BUY THE U. S. SEPARATE" Because they know that they will havo one then that po.eo.se. more of the quJW jHB mat fj0 to mako up a perfect cream separator ihan any other make. TS PolnTaUiePa,V:mVHrannx,Ct,e,a,"" ' " 'hllhcd fact. It havli.K proved It. wKJJ MfflL ( so con ecutive Vim i "' nalr'' It ""'le lh World's Record ol-ofJoloM ! fflBflr- S u, th it ci" '" '!" """ 1,tc" -q'Ued by any 9ther make of ep.torlnt"- Jgm ho 'e e'.U0uf;r.r:Cbut,"nJle " l,e,"B '!I0W d.Hy in dairies .11 cm the count. crfW 'i bai tho i q i , .ho 8ru "ow U5lne tlie U S' Tl ' u"l' rreJlmp,U ""''" b everyone who ha. eye.. S T ! on c '. Uli l..Ke.r. all enclo.e.l, everyone can undenund. J im "le " s-' "y to operate 1. te.Hhe.l to by U. ter.. &H9lis& ni. rr ?7.'p.'c's ixn, h,;.v.rvciv,"gl,T f u"d,oJ,o( r..f-is- '" ,"ho " """ -gl?...,I,lFARIVI MAOHIMB'oo.. Bellows FaUjj s |