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Show IiAND CREAMSEPARATOR. hill 1 'M m IW rutin for the tnter-Mounialn 1'armer and liunihnmi bs Prof F H. LlnflelJ, ( iSB H .VsTti'iillural College of t'lali ) f bIkI H The past jeatr llns brniiKht perma-nentls perma-nentls til the front the iiuestlnii ns lo the place of the hiind I'leum sepaintor In lelullon to tlio progiess mid development develop-ment of the dnlis ludiistrs nf the niiinlr Is the use i.r ilusc h mil scimiulors u slep In inlviiine or u iiliogrudo ktcp Is the question In Inn asked and dlseusstd by tho"' Inter-estetl Inter-estetl In the iieainiry buslni'ss both Hast and -Wist' 11 N undoubtedly ii l( litl of the old rieani galbirlng ssatein with the' hand siirulor used to Ncpuiuti' '' "iiiin Instenil f H' deep palls or tieanieis Whether this going back to an old pnictlti' Is s. iclrngiado sttp or not time will luivo '"Llke'uU questions of this kind theio am two sides to It and pcihnps iiimo than that. 1 wish to look at tlio question ques-tion In lis suvtial aspects and pluco befoie in) leaders as clem I) ns 1 ciin the various points Involved and tlio l'Sielleve Hut ftnui tvers tllreetlon the paiumoutil Inleiest to In- eonsldered Is the- good, of the milk pindueer, not ulone ns uu Individual, but also In his collective ca uclty-tho grcolest good lo all, not alone to the ft vv The gnat advantag" for the milk produced Is that with the hand eiemii scpututnr be eau eieam his milk nt home, mid thus have fresh sweet skim milk lo feed his culves nml hogs I or , calves the flesh skim milk conipired to the haphazard quulll) of Hat which lelurns from the factory la prttetl-tails prttetl-tails doubled In vulue, und pcihup mote than this by being sipaiuted on lh farm. , ,, lu many luses It ineins the difference i between a thrifty glowing calf ami a stunted, pot-helllcil one If the skim mill; Is Piopeily red It muy mean as much us J2 lo Jl a jeur per envv In favor of tho hnnd sepaiiitm IT all Iho milk la fed lo the calves lor Pigs then- Is piobubly no advantage whatever, what-ever, providing the skim milk Is fed the da) after 11 leturns from tho fat -ttiry. Hxperlniental evldenio rather favors sllghlly soui milk as lontraslcd In frish milk for feeding bogs It la to this extra value of the skim milk mlely that tho milk producer eun expect lo get any extiu ntuins fiom the use or ii bund sepantor, unless un-less he Is a conslilunble distance friim a creamers, when sonuthliiK will be saved lu delivering- crouni Insteud of the more bulky milk. Tho milk pin-timer pin-timer should also get tietllt for hPliuiutlnK lila milk, as this lu "1 l" be doni) ut the fat tors, but there uru nresuiiiubl) some disadvantages due to tleteiloiallon In the quail' of the pro-duco pro-duco that will moro then lounlcr-balaneo lounlcr-balaneo this . . Against the advantages riBineil ubovo the mill, baa mi Investment III R sefaiatnr costing lu Interest and tie-pieelallon tie-pieelallon of machine J10 to JF. n our, and Hie woik of seiurutlng Hie milk night and inoinlng . Fiom th stundpnlnt nf Hie Indl-ldual Indl-ldual will tho Invesiinent In "" sepaiuloi lr n good Ihlng' Will It pav ' This Is n question not to be iimwe i off-hand It bus Meme.1 lo me that with ii held of a dozen or mote eows. when the farmer Is seveial inllea fn.ni a fnittir) the hind wirii-toi wirii-toi would In a good Investment With u small number of ir., nr In tases where but n shoit haul lotild deliver de-liver the milk to Hie creamery tbeu h quesllon is a doubtful on and must be answered In the light of local conditions and therefore oaeli fanner for himself. . , Again the rnllk produter must con-rider con-rider Iho niaiket for his ereum both irMirer"": i,r,.nT....r r.i;il whlTh is knowm'and liarf a persemal Interest 111 Hie sun ess nf the dairy business among tho farmers suiround- '' Next, what Is. or should be the te- latlon of the factory opirutor oi owner o this ssslem llei" again how to nak"lhe .mist nut or the bus nesH la "obshls the iill-lmpoilatit point What be factiuy owner gels out of the bus -less depends upon Ihreo rnctms 11 Th.iost of getting Hi n mnterlit It the fa tois i) Ho ntnount '' V". diirt handled and I ) the price id. talned for the product , aha tuat, 9 BCtUne tUo lajv im- lerlnl to Hie factory Inclifiltf- tho l amount md for the milk which will Jill fH wllhlii ii'ilnln limits be tontrollcil bv I, iQ! H iiinipelltlou. and second, tho timt of b Jftfjj hauling tin milk If out) a row f till rfH pnliuns Ih. uglit huiiil separators tho . ' flB rjpppj inst or delivering Iho milk would not j 'HI bemiterlnll) ledined If all used theiii H J IwL , JM I I'ltOF F. 11 LINFIIU.I) SW i Flab loses nnotbi r good lnnn und one of her stiongest cduontnrs. In Prof V. Mg j I HH I, LlXld. T,,n,for'..,;eK,..st nlno sears baa ,..,. tilled .p..r -'-Th. M A cu tu al elXge . Vr Montana, at a Balmy imuh gnater thai, ho recclve.l In Utah. I, ft S HH the expense would bo very inaterlalls jiffii! i fl HH le.lm.Ml ir tin criain of tlioie uslnir h'ffilS M HHl band sepaialoia was dclHtied to somo if I ivi 1 r IH oilier factory the tost of hauling S III J Is would be proisirtlountils more, because ( xt i I -p-pH less milk would bo obtained nil Iho - I HH 'lb mnoiint of product liandled has f. i j J H mueb to do vvllh Hip suncsa of liny f ? rJHH ireumiiy plant A largo quautit) of I ' 1 HtpS milk can bo handled ut piiipoi llon.ilely ( I 1 HiHJ less expens.) than n sin ill quautit), j, j) HIHJ thus leaving a larger surplus above J til i rpH oiieratlng ixpcustH In bo divided among ji j HiH fuclni) nvviiir and putinns, I' J J l fHH If tin hind sepmatui will conduce to fl - i , 1 rHH making inorc lauilts to the mill, pro- T it J ducer, the lendeiuy will be In Increuso iis JH bis output mid In so fai will also bene- fc i If I pHH III the factory owner. If the hand sep- 1 1' Il I ppH mator t ream la dlveiled lo another dls- I ,jlT HjHJ trlct It will reduce the ninouill of prod- ) -'ilK HHJ net and Hiua uncet the local operator Ifj : rHH adversely $ n l.istly, Hie returns of the factory op- 'J; )' pppB erutor depend upon the quality of his ', J jl 1 luiiiluct Will his butler glade nsj llrst ''iMifl rH or second, or third or lower' Our inur- ; . . , 1 f H ku Is mil yet ns dlstrlmlnntlng iih tho j i' T w ppH lustern market, but the time la not . v n& far distant when here as elsewhere. ' . ,1 PjfJfJfJfJfJ piite will depend nn th.i line isilnts of 1 1 I HH quallly A loss of 1 or J cents per pU'i 1 ssVBB isiuiid bncausi' uf lack of quality will 1, 3 je 3 rHHl be a pirliius loss In the o)erulol, und i'jVrl )B must icllect on the prnducei, I1 'ffic I )B Will baud sepiiatur cream make as ii ffi BHH good but til as eieam Hepaiiited nt tho nil' isBBH faeiory rioin whole milk' Agan u do- .' ,'J , 1 rl butablo question The auswei Is yes !l,Ai, bzBBB ami no K the in am Is tooled lmmc- i. n't' tllitcly niter seiiaratliig uml tuken pViMJ H dally, in ut least evers seconil iluy. t Ml' rHHl lu told woollier to the factory und j M HHI absolutely tleunllness obsiaved the mi , , I awn must be st If absolute eleanll- 1 ' I ppHJ nesa Is not obscived ir the treiiui Is i ',j , 1 eaielosHls handletl and tuken In the ") (J fHH r.icteus only two or three times u week, M"-'.- Hjl I fern Hilt tho butter will not be first f3''Ul class, anil thus lotx will losult J , I I HHI Theie rollows rioui this the larger ilU,, rH question tho rutin e good mid develop- f if nf B merit of tin business The continued j ft i b succtss of the dally business depend. ijf 1 In no small degree on the maintenance 0el i 1 HHH or u high quality or pioduit, and us I 1 (BH far us poHslble nn Impiovemeiit on thn j ,( i H present staudatd T J. HHH this Is especially true If we have In 1 1 J pppM look outside of Iho State foi u inur- Mil !,Jl BbV ket for oui auiplus, A permanent man , ; "', f;, ket In (iiniiotftU.il with suiioundlng ''j'Vi BH pruduccrs lunjonly be uialntnlned by ... .! I J piodiiclng goojls that In quillly will 'U '' iH- btmid Iho sevAtst lest M "!' ; j On yet another point n word of rriu- m !('- Hon Is niii'isury In eonHldeilng the fu- Wyl !, pppfl ture piogiess nf the dalrs Industry. j l' HH 'Hit tendency lu many plates and In , j, (I L many illrn lions Is to tnuihlna slnill ir vW V Inteiests Into largi aggiegatlonsiif rap- Jl'ilJ il BjBH Ital, known gHiieiull) as trusts lu sn SrViH") HH fur as these toiublnutloiis redmo tho ffji ' I IpBVI tost or munugeinent. or nmnurattur- 2 l(! ' j (bBV Ing cti they me to bo lomnunded. Sjjtji L". j ' When, Imwever Hies betome monnpo- ti i fi fljBM, IIkIIi, the Killlshness or the Individual tj .AJi BH owimr iiretlomimiles over tho tmivlder ft I f atlou or the good or the piodueei or i III. 1 WK; conautuci, and Ihe trust briomes an V H il BJbV ill The cieum Kiitheilpg plan Willi t r (x BjBBi the use nr the hand separator, fa or a J . ' this cnneentratlon or the dairy busln-", fcTli'jf'' HH an lu hi fm us It lessens the expense) l.liJ, tBH or munufiii tilling tti Is to be com- ti. iliilV H uienilHil Tha vvlthdiuwlng or a largo SI pJH i uiiiount or support riom the loeul cen- 4 lilJIiJ lei a or ininuiuctuie liinA those or tha Pi iw sbBBb' largest produccis, moans a laigo In- ?!M)mii sbHv neaso In cost or m tnutui tuie lu thosa Ot ;Msf MaBH, Intal tenleis uml inn) In somo casta M' DjuU Jflb im an because or this and Ihe leduied Jli UM (B quality of milk, the i losing or th. rue jgi WBi H lot) 1 his will shut t.ft the market ror BK S 1! Hit small prndiiceis who m mutb the Ml VT ppppfl latger cIihh ot milk produiers lu thta lV 9 HHH Stale, upd thus materially recline the til ft H tutal output It vvnull also destroy Jw A l eompetlllnn Hill'- making Hi trust a Hi Ir BHH nnnopol) villi Its resulting evils Mara BHH The fanners bav or course Hie enr- YtJBl I re lion or the efrcct nf monopoly In Mill IHH tlulr pvvn hands, beciuta they can j'lj HH HIMP wk oaoaBfiaHr'llh ! " in sn h t th-Uve 1 1 nt and do ooaaaWXsl f'lMfl HSU t ir r . i ili iH fr.rrau.1 Ml1 down ' '- " ' """,:", aaaoH elf Wflt iVti ' al. ul I Hi i Hi in fl pi ogress till'1; aooaoal Ml .flSllS I !) I ntlimel -uti.se of the local plant LaooH f! 3bllHI S5?Sli would lmi. nssur.d there Is li.ciui-- smIsHi IiKKnVl ' ai.in.eii anl i (regression which II aaaoaH I HHi mW mnj y "" ' overcome aooaaal . Jl H.flif wll Aiiv ist. m ' r management r ton Hi!llMPrBl W&1 trol Unit en.oui igca h..th the laige and oaoaH ' iSla IWraHw" 'in ' 1" IK" - "r n,llk '" I"' i-''""0 ""', ooooH !u113H3fall3H lev clop tholi limn will inilt to bo H oaaoaaf. OwlBlEjIi'iir.;'! ve lii the rlKhl "Hi - Hri aaaaH J1jfflia 1 1 U M Mnallt I ho bund separator inn i ooaaaaa, JallllfltilM tl d to gl. litest advantage In Brat' B HleHnRlI'lm. I '"I llt-ti Ir 1h where Ihi milk Iiha to oaaaaaai tillf IRlMfl be hnulol ii long wHy tn (he factor). l I'Kwiiftix IS 8 'Jin- idvnntng or ntlvi wise, to those HiPlltBl'Vn flil i I" loiv "I" cleiicml upnn lev. ooaaaV I ,1 18 tetMlsf c I ilr iitisst me ""'I II'1' number of ossssaal II I l: II a l 'can 1 i u i ko I r aaaaaasMTV 3'fJjMlti '" oiw with tin huml separator mi iV-.rl'lS If IS l in (unit im.l fin Ihr good of the dairy H III ').fS ,(,.f I fjp1 I uMi'i-K iin a whole depends mum the Liaaaaai ,llSf5l E ti "Sift ' '""' n ' ' di liver a tlrst . Ian ouul- bbbbbbbsHvJOTI aillg a I li of i irain Thoiniigh lonnllnesB I'l 'jViJI Vim St i si ul i In obs.rvcd first hy the milk bbbbbsbbi "SLjJ1 SV.Ij KB ' i inllkiim MirniiJ. bv ihmough bbbbbbbst cifH4iil 2misJB I eulln .- iii Illiniums ill. b. i aoi B i-Sllft J ItJ'l:'; MP 111. a-lliialol Kh.llllll be thorough!! M lOTMr M4 SSl I "d ml aided -v. ry time It Ib j!ls'lJ? .it Jil mP uki I I hr . r. mi Bhnulri lie nioli-d Itn- HH 1li1J!f' KlVl'l UL ' "liilcly n'l i M"" '" nJ nw "l S H . yi.ri wK '" tpini.riituro UK iiBBlhlK until IK J f :!J 'i! ,'f dfliiirml nt Hi. rii'tor If thf liMti ar- M't.ir' ' J IJI hi .rum. h i bi. iiii'i. ii i ii 'i i Ii - U n? I i"l " i" iid Hi 'I mi to Ul' f ii. lory 'PilPI i 3 1 i J: iiom I v lmi If ' T.am IB li. 1.1 In B'S I fW.Jttl'P 4' 'I"" Ml t"n 'l" To iMiiib tllfl HB'iliiii .Ifiltl'i '! piiHo or Ii iiillnB ihl. k irpiim Ib In bo iJiiilflMtiS1 Ab the Kr.at a.lMintnitt- of the Imnd laul'.'! 8r4 1 1 Bfrmiutnr to I hi- milk iimriucer l tli- !( I ), 1! I' ' cmi a alup nf lh- Bklm-mllk It Ib Im-l7n Im-l7n i ( 1 ' imrlnnt to f.-rd thlB lj inniluit lmm-ll lmm-ll i 5 i dlalely after BPnanitinir To nil the WM lPflN..,v'H : ,' t't reBiiltB Willi laliri thf klm-mllk H ari'l i M, MiouI.I 1. Biuiplr-mBnlBil nlth an In-frlifr In-frlifr a ii'S l 1 crennliiK ration of uraln aftr thi i alPB iilnitf J Slffl ' U atr tlirii nrpks old I'orn ninil tnakcB H. y,'t iM ' " R""1 -"" "i,l"n Bwdl, 21 I'Wl ' l!"1 fulnry npiuitm imiBt l.n inch f'ffflv..'t'Fl . ir. '""re i in nil in notltiK Hi. .iii.illn if iPtrflv ,'; ! I Ihn.ruini limn he Ib of ihn tnllk Li.am H W, iSSri 1 if hold fniii.nilydo.ini hilt tl.. HlJ I rMirS Ii 11 nr nnd tlila Ib morr fatal to a boo I KVK' ? J ?'. , . 'itiallly of Imtlor than nn mir d.v.l Ui. llM li t.l1! npnifiit nf la.lli mid In Ih. .riain If W. ' V ' ,1 " I tin ireani fioin nn patron Is not liat il ' I I I ' ' II miRlit lo l. I ho mill tor Bhonld Ih t! J I Innkfd nftor it on. . and an attempt All H& I made tn con.it It If any nnantlty of H''tl t rirnm Ib off (lawn- iMBleurltlnK tna Ht'1')! 1' I' f J 1,c reBorted to mid then i large es-H(il es-H(il Vfl I 3i perlally preptuid Btarler tiBed bo hb to !2 'fl 'iuJ !i better iontr.il tlio iitnllly of the. rlpcn- BiaR i(Vi IP , , M In ninny nf the ilnlrj .ll.trloln the MKIiuH l t 1 i?j ,n"k produ.eiH har Jimt in lino for imn- wHbRjJ fiStti I 'Hi plaint imnlin-t I ho fartnr beiaiiBe of m fliKP ii'Trlv 41 S ,n0 'H'tlltV "f the Bklm-mllk returned M''l Vl.l IS'? j j'jilS rhls 'natter inn l yon larKi ly nr- B I A j iSlKpil' vS re.ted b hooIiik that th. milk la taken ir 1. T'oi;'! f !fl '"'" "", fartory in Rno I rondltlnti mid ' r ilnyM then boiling the skim milk before It 1 tr'.! 'idSf'ittSlJHl Ib returned If the xh iut ateiiu from HSr'lvl lyflufl ""' oimlno Ib Hied to do thla the bull- lw!'' W'mlfflHV'lT'3 lrlK "f "" xk'nt milk Ib prnctlcnlly no iji i JaVrtf jnjl rxpenne |