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Show HE UTAH STATE FAIRJ I si i '., r of ll"! v. Ill ho B t i nly the. Jlrwt cx- HV ivv f"Ir grounds B v , uliurnl and Mo- M nut us. Hit In. ft B. 0( . miterlal Ufcouucs '"in I i KotwItliflanillMtf H , h ' f totally Inndo-H Inndo-H i Itlon lull can- ' , ,if Utuli Held .ro-H .ro-H c ' homo innnufuc- k i il exhllilt look Held prndut la Hi t prOKICSS in tin , ., the past six nn at the fnlr v mill louill) prn- " i ' tfiil adaptation nt J n . i i ii of the liner food ' , ic-ils wore repre- H flu I ) from the Hoar HJ i seldom equalled j r ii presented liy , e of manufacture, Hj, , h bus) bee In Iho t r of perfectiv H" it Intcixts of Utnli S ij wnolin goods. 'lull. I s. Ugni, land), J, ll tilt, vvll fencing, 1 r -1 rr imery products i I, i upi dor quality. J 1 mean much to flj i v hk ihnnn In nil jV q mi to Mie finished ntu Ii of Utah Mi "l "TOOK JB Hut -dioucd the BJ It velopment mid , nt In qllilltv miir Hie -i r peel ill Hie cuttle. i hi "VI head of puro- It I, inuslstlllg of J I 1 nml Joisovs, nml J I l,i ii nlmnls Here HJ i t ''fen In mi show H I r heron Clsdosdale. J 'i l ' mhinl bred hotses, J 1 1 n II and some of them nrUc niu rs it sip h shows -lit hii nun list winter. i ei lluhll) tepii rented lit hi Hut pen" of porkeri I ml do I'olind China nml mr r I ' h it'r nt, r f I p nil exhibition iwr 1 1 the Important o I to nnnl lldilMl). Olid tin" illr f ' flieep wan n nutter - I e i nt HnniboulHet, 1 ill I n nln were the bteeils ltd i ie of the highest- il i rln were In the r hi t v ir le-en iiiehtl) 1 at t of $'00. nn I'M iH i! Hint the trial of great iliiiwlng ' vs , Itver inn) lie 1 imliicto of mill a thei-o tlilnvx do ' Hi in one rtn i i miiiiiiv l new and am day after "i i i id" f Ir ucto not 't eie honestly ion. "i r 1 n delight to thou- flt T II TI.OOK. tli falr-lioldliiB and of i n to h.ie tieUeil upon I nml there la every ibi r tint In the very near I In numerous lounty h c i ill nervlni: im teed- C He fair. herc cuo- i j ni"it Uei ner coinpc- li II auplrlnK exlilliltom Ml t ih" court of last ienrt 'r i 'e felt at tlio local fair. tli IliieiKt1 mo at work ! ir malic of this I'tuh ' ir ii 1 ami great Inlir- rm n Loud to no fair In Ml I II the day! ards PO;s class 1. , Jl prliilll rltalllon. t .l" i llrnt pienilnin. $1" 'Tutl llimllej Oden Mare, "ill nn i net Hint pilze, $10; J" re i Due k uind ptle. J3. nn 1' rr t ivilc- (.'illy. I year 1 in 'lri.t prle. ii; nine ' f ' Hl-e W, "O I s i I,pq ; 1 "I dt l.il.o ('lt-Rliil , "i mil inn. Iliut piUc. ,!J "I I ilt Iiku t'lty, Heiond .1! f 'i irl-llk. htalllon. 3 '" I 1, flrn piUe, JH r Jl ' ilt Ijike Cllv-Stnl. . ,p I'1 ml under .' Hist jnle. .' '' ult Like City, eiuiiid 'J'" It Lake Olt Clrltllnir. ,1'1 ' 1C. . iei lal prlne hy To-op. , -"' I Mm blue .ompany ' ihria ,olts, JIO. ' to I In fait Liiki city ., 'Id nml under 3, 111 st ' 'Mil Lakeflty Mile, ,' i niei, flrnt prle, I0, ; " ' it I nke t'lty, Riinnil f tlr nr i u Lake fits rillv, ,, 'I n-ler I flint prise, 111), ln, ' lll heuilld pllre, JT, ,1,i' i l.ik city Tilly I !,' ' I ", IllUt pll7". VI. ' ' ' t.ike Cltv Htulllon in. I . r'' ""' I"'''-'-. -'! ' ",' ' Pnlt Uikti ("ItV, bee- If. L. ' "' '',, rty- Mn,e 1"' ' "" ll t prlre. .0. I,1 ' Like City, nwonil '" ' ' LABS .1 ill '1 r ' Mi-ipci Hlalllon. 1 ," er nrS pri70 jjo.ftnL '" " ' hlH Kft, )!. I "" ' LASS I 1 JT." ' 'in Klullli.il' I seari V?i, . ' "i!, w- '' T'"1 lo k Kirnnil ntUc. 13 0lj il Dden Htulllon. 3 i , ,'J "dir 4, (lint prl?e. J16, i. 'ii and iindir 2, Jn ,' ' Mount I'lo ik mi ll, , old and iinihr 3, flrnl 11, j ' ' I Klenl, OkiIimi, H'C- ( h,Kll"li LoRiin Htulllon with ' ,"t Prize Mil 1' I'. I i-nnr in, n.rondpilze 1 . '" Wan Mhih a ,nln oil i ' 1'fl SI l c, I'eterfon. ' SniihV ''"" ,7 '31fr l . nR4" '"'Si i""a ul(l J-eeley, Mount 1'lei.ent. neconil prise, T I! Smlll-, Igan .Mare with ono of het i ott flrt prize. 20, Hei end I ilo, 1'. O. Pfterei n. Kplualin, J. HOIlrll's flA,H f, Joselih riond Sill Luke CUV-Stal. lion, 4 yuir old and oei Urnt prize. JIO, otid iil7e 11. N. 1'eunon him' John Hnnd Salt Like .-It) -sialliim, J eai old and under 3 llmt prize, 10, Recond pilze Jl, dinltlon 1 j ear old ind unilei 2, llrht prize, Ji,, feiond pilze 1j inine with one of her toll flri.t prize. J.o, rteeimd pilz. J8, male, 1 enm oil nnd over, llrnt prlje. JI5, second prize, J.. Htnlllnn illi one of It j;et, first HOlfiliS CLASS il James Hue, Unit Lake I'lly-Slalllon, 1 urs old and over lliet prize JJ) KlnlHon with one of Iti Ket, first prize, HOIttKS-CLASS 1 I! M llnimon. Mlller-Stalilon 4 ears old and over, drit i.rlze, $-, stallion with one of Us Ret. 111. HOHhl;S-CLAi?S S. V C retetmn. Lphrulm -Stallion, A eais old and over, first prize, JIT., km ond prize, UiorRe Sheppard, Jit. Pleasant, s John II. Wlndci. Silt Lake Clty-Maie, Clty-Maie, 3 jeara old olid oiei, first prize, JIO. II M. Iluimiiii, Miller, second prize, J". John II White, Salt Lako city Filly 2 eor old and under 3, J10 Jamb Morltz, Salt Lake City nil 1 vein old and under 2, J'l. stcond prize, J 11. Mansfield Salt Lake City, 53. John JliCoj, Salt Lake Clty-Ocldlnir 1 ars old and ovei, first prize, J10 It M. Harmon, MUler, seion 1 prize, $5 H()IlSi:S-CHS8 9 T. II. Smith, Logan Marc 3 jears old and over, first and second ptlzcs, $15 and JT. till) 2 ears old and uudc? 3, Hist and seroiul prlzm J10 and Ji Lawson tiros, Iluntei l'lllv 1 cai old and under 2, Hist prize, 16; second prize, J3. John M, Saunders, Colllnston Hest pair grade draft tnnus to liullicss. tlrat prle, J33. T II. Kmllli. Loqiin-Mare with one of her eolls lint pi lie. Jl.. John M S iiHidcra, Ciilllniton, tecond pilze, JS. UOIISUS-CLASS 12. Cldsdale stalllun. 'C.ionmrman" owned by Le,e Hammond of Hoj, Utah, Imported by Joined Ilae. ugaln won tlio llrst prize In hit clas and swccpsluke over all draft liorsfs on the fair Kiounds James Itae'B Cleveland bay stallion, Hlzagnl," also won llrst pilze In bis ilum nnd SHtepitakes for the second lime In Utah. Chief Hae was natulan) natu-lan) wearing a bioad Kiln last night, llmt was appieclatcd bist by those who knew must about Hie Inildn workings of the contist y Novembei he ex-uulIii ex-uulIii lo havu 111 a uirload of new horses equal If not supeilor to any he has here-tofore here-tofore lniiorlcd l TTLIJ tLAbS 1-SIIOP.THOltNS. Allin Ilros, Drupcr. m three ears old and over, flist prize J30 stcoud prlzi, John II White, Kavsvllte, ., third prize, Allen Uro Draper. Jl" .... John sccley, ft I'leasant, heifer o veirs old and under, llrst prize LX) Allen l!rus , seiond rrlzi 113 John Peclclj. third ''jnfin Seelev heifer mie ear old ami under, first prize I3. Alkn Ilros, second prize J10 and ll.lnl prize J. John II. Millie, hiirer calf six moil i lis and under one ear, llrst prleJW, Allen tiros, second prize J John II. seelcj, lhJoh,!'rilSe.le.. senior herd, one bull anil four imvs, llrst pilze diploma nnd luo, Allen llros seiond prle IW Allen Uros. one hull nnd four heifers diploma and Mr, John H Seelej, second PJo?inVl Seelej hull and two of hi. B't. diploma and III) s.cund (rlze, Allen itroj.. John II White, cow mid mo of her calves, illiilimia and Jl s'coud prize, Al- All"rnn'ros"? hull of any ice. diploma mid fa. "ei"' ' tfc'y. '""1 iir, '; ',: j'.lm II Seelo. cow any ai.e. dlnloiim mid 123 Allen Uroa second prize 13. 'John II. Seelej. bull three sears old and over, llrst prize J0, John II White, s.c- jttil nilze J?' . . . J7.1in 11 Seelej ml two sears nm unu under three, llrst prize J.0, second prize, j,ihpi!.r'Cu,r'.ar;re j.o: lolin II. hieley ?';,':;' ,r'rurVl.l and ovVlrsM-'lzeM. J'in " " " iiri,vi!'.0h.lci!LV;i,''',efr.s nJ$ ,t,M weonl I1SM. bull. 1 sear K" ',' ''rr' S'rtTii' i ", 5l. Wn iluloil and wen H.""ri, In fulls lila, , TK.,8 !SS iA ' '"' ""' jn i l lino veiiiuiit iiimpaii), second Tiller Bpu'lk.-Uiill "j"j;im:j ?m1 in I third l irlzes 13 each , , on I i.rlie. I ''''"'ff'JonJ'nv -Heifer 1 lalund lmpruvernejit toi up in , ji.ir old und 'i"'1?1. ;, ' tn ler Sparks siiond prlzi 11 , ,, ,, Waller flu ' rks lit Ifer mi M i,1,r'l'.r.a,n.,.".,,n'p-v"en,,:,!,,t Vimi-M. . SLS'irslpVlzeU: "'ffin!. improvement .Teao'lT !rT.V.I!SnUj '" m',e,'n, Junior IsUikI mi rn;rI,Jc,'irs id. hel'ers 1 rWWV.?U. .''"' ,iHrair6raTkI-iiuiuny aSc. ftt.t Pil.j .h 'i1,1-' improvement enmpans. sevrd ..rl",' r ?i""lui t"o nnv pe. llrst prise nri ",. Improvement iftmpuli), eecolid CI AS III- ItED I'Ol.tS H ,il"'lrk'r' "K1"-'"-11"11 uti- "f CLS -JIlllHIiYM lliverslde stmk eoiniiHlis Halt Ikc llv-llull 3 yrnrs i Id and ov.r llrst prize, .. .".f."""1 I'r,' lliiTKe M Cannon, JIO William Uhidir Halt lukc Cltv-llull 2 venm old and under 3 llisl prize, James s.lomon second prize. 17 UK (leoritc M Camion, Hilt Uike Cltv -Hull I iwir old nnd iinilrr !, llrst prize, 0 see-oiid see-oiid prize ItlversMi Sl.uk eninpans. I" '!rj,fM t'uniioii-Ilull lair, llrsl prize. William Minder Cow 3 sears old and ovei nut ,,r7(. jjj ,eiond prize. 2u bars- VI I'iniioii lleorae VI I'limiou H. Ifrr 2 iars oil and nn I, r 3 llrst prlz. ir. Itlversldp S'o.k ronipanv-ltelfer 1 sear old and undr i llrst prize JIO Oe-orjre M C innou-IUirer calf, llrst prize, IS, biviIjiI p.lze for Usl bull an dairy hreid. ant uei l I.Vt-4 lll-l'AT t'ATn.B lei mil Inii rovcinent comiMiiv I' it sterr nnv iiRe, Hrst prize IfOTsiinnd prlz. IH Islind lmirovnmeiit eeimpinv l'al cow any Hue, llrst prize, 120, sie'ond prize, Al len Hr-.s, no Island iiiiirnvement eninpans -l'nt ealf ste.r. Iirst plze, tin. see nml pilze. '., fat i air bflfei III si prize (III, si e nnd prize, I"., best group fat tattle, nrsl prize, l!6 HIIIILI' AND SWIM! CLASS 1 IIAM-IIOUILMIT IIAM-IIOUILMIT MLItLSOS John II Secies. Mt I'le isnnt-llam two Seirs old and over, llrsl prize 13, second prize 1 ram one sear old, llrst prize II, siroud prize 12, ram lamb llrst prize 51. second prize l, two ewes two sears old. llrst prize fi, second prize 1, two ewis t sear old llrst prize II second prize I-', two ewe lambs, llrst prize W, see nml prize II, one Hock, DrHt prize llo, seiond pilzo ( LASS 2 C'OISWOI.U. J 11 Allen A Urns, Draper One ram two sears old or over, llrst prize I'.. He org.' Htybell Son, Charleston, second prize II J II llen & Ilros, Draper, one rum one sear old, llrst prlzo II, second prlzo Llllsnn Ilros, 1 AS ton, one buck limb, llrsl prize w J It Allen & llro , Draper, second prize II 1 It Allen & Ilros, Draner, two ewes two vears old or over, llrst prize 13. (leoige Das bell At Son, laiston, second prize l.lllson Ilros Livlon, two ewes ono vear old, llrst prlz.-II J It Allen A. Ilro , Draper, seiond prize I: J ft Allen . Urn, Draper, two ewo limbs, llrst prize II Cenrge Dill bell & Suns Charleston seiond prize II J II Allen Uro, Drnser, best Hock, llrst prize 110, tleorge Das bell & Sons, Charleston second prize j CLASS B-CItOSSLfl. J It. Alleir A. Bros, Diaper, one crossbred cross-bred ram, first prize 13, ind seiond prlzo It one cross-bred ram, first prize !, and seiond prlzo 3 , CLAhS t-ANQOrtA GOATS, Miss Kill Martin. Salt Lako Cltv, one buck, two sears and nvir, Hist pilze II, one doe, two sears and over, llrst prize II class 7-swixi: lllllson Ilros, Layton, one I'olind China Ij.nr, llrst Hi 1m l"i, one Poland China sow, llrst prize to one Poland I'hlna now with pigs, Hrst prize IT V i Streeper llros , Ccntervllle, second prize C J A Irwin. Salt like Cits, one O I C boar Hrst prize 13, ono O I, C. sow, Hrst prize ! DAIHY PltODlXTS PuuVson Ilros , lllchileld, best Quality Ifti pounds e reamers' butter, first prlzo gold mill il and ICO .Mrs George p. Smith, Murra)'. next best iiuallts !' pounds creamer) butter, diploma mid III' i aut Cre unery S. Supply Co . Salt Lake Cits lw pound creamery butter, set olid prize diploma and 110 Midway renmirs, Mldwas-, best cheese, Hve hoops, Hrst prize gold medal and ixr. AUItlCl Lit HAL M VCIIINKIIY, IM-PLUMLMS. IM-PLUMLMS. LTl'. clarence Merrill. Salt Lake City, best wash bond sliver mi dill. 'I bonus De 1 1 Mar, Tooele, hay sucker and derrick diploma. Joseph r Hansen rurnlture Co . nrlg-ham nrlg-ham r it, washing machine, diploma M W. Pralt, Palrvlew, Ma , U S cream sepmator. diploma, and dogpower treadmill, tread-mill, diploma omi:ns work class i. Vu A. H. Little Salt Lake City Mexican iliuvvn work, silver medal and JIO Miss Helen Stack. HrUham City Ar-tllhlal Ar-tllhlal llovver Jl Mis Itobeit Power, Halt Lake City Ilitlenberg, sliver medal mid 13. Miss llessle li Plant. West Jordan- Silk embroidery, silver meuai ami ;u. Mrs. James Olenn Mllforel Linen or cotten embroidery, jr.. Caroline Muuson, Halt Lake City-Lace City-Lace work, told medal and JJ3 Sirah nurgiaff, Salt Lako Clty-Cro-rlut vvoik S3 Harriet S. Neff, Hast Mill Creek Knlttliis, J3. Honlenn HoiIbsoii, bait Iiko City-Sofa City-Sofa cushions, ellver medal and J10. Mrs. Henry Arnold, Salt Lake City rancy work gold medal und J15 Mis A II Little. Salt Lako Cltj Outline embroidery J5 Aggie M Gabbott. halt Lako City Miss 8. Miller, Halt Lake cty l"ancy work, by sltl under 15, silver medal """ ,5 CLAbH 2. Mis K a. Maeser, SaU Lake City Lads'a tillor-made sull.'JJB. Mis. Annie C. Hinlth, Hmlthneld-Plaln Hmlthneld-Plaln sewing, J2. Mrs L 1) Ilyun. halt lake City Mils's dress, J2 50. Mrs. L I) It) an, Halt Lake City Child s dresa, Jl Mis J T Phlnney, Halt Lake City Honic-inude lue, Jl Miss Josephlnn Wlnherg. Halt Lake CID Home-made earpet, Jl, CLASS 3 Mrs 1' T. Marnans, Halt laike City Knit wool spread, 11.? Mrs r T .MariiHiiyrBalt Lake Cltj lviiltled cotton bedspiead, J2, Miss ndlth F. Hobbs, Salt Lake City-Lady's City-Lady's knit wool shawl. II, C1.AS8 I Mis. J. W Toiirw. Ulutah Silk quilt, '"MrsnK llnldernian, Salt Lake City Taney silk iUllt, IJ .,,.,, Mis. William llohlnsop. Halt Lake Cltv-hllk log-cabin riulll, J!, L W Hwoitwood, Salt like Clly-Coltnn Clly-Coltnn pitohvvnik iUllt. Jl Jl" Maiemes. Salt l.Ske (Jlty-Qullt-nc hand woik Jl Ml.' Blag halt Lako Clty-Kllk comfort, com-fort, diploma and J! CLASH 5 Mr Janus Adunis, 1'arkei vllle t,jl1k1"i,ie! l'ovvcrs, J'arKetvllle-I'll-lovv lace, Jl, , . Mrs. A II Little. Salt Lake City 'Ion hou lace II Mis Charles Olson. Salt Lake Cltj Point laie haiidkeiTliler Xi Mrs. A II Little. Salt I -ike Cits llonlton luce handkerehlef U Mis A Owen Tiegnimi Silt Luko Clls laue bolero Jacket $.' Mrs Atthui llilttaln Salt Luke City -Laie child's Imnnet. II Miss nilsabetll llixtilall, Salt lalke Clly-Lnce doslles, Jl Mis A II Little. Salt Lake Cits Haiti nb ik laie liandk"r. hlef II. MrK 1. I) lt)iin Salt Uike City llattenberg tablecloth, tj Mis J V Phlnnes, salt laike City Italtenbetg cenlerpleco. Jl Mis I. I Itjnu, Halt laiko Cltj llittenbelg blieni rv'illf. Jt Mrs. Charles Olson, Salt Lake City HattenliHig lace and Insertion 50 cents Mrs Charles ciluini Salt laike Cllv Point luva hajidkeiililef, dlplomi und J2, CLAHS 6 Mrs ,1 T Phlnni), Salt I-ike Clt)--i-lable mm, j .Mis A o Tieganzi. Silt laike City - PI mo invel 12. Mrs Olivia N Hwensou, Salt lakc Cits -Poi Here. $2 Mm A o 'Iregnizi, Salt Lak City - nfa pillow, 12 Mis J J Das lies fait Lake Clt Cioss-stltih pillow, J2 Mis Jinn. S llovvat halt Luko City Double lose centerpiece 12 .Ml." Angle .M llnbbot Salt Lake CHs Pansy eenterplece, l. ' Mis, .1 J Dnynes halt laiko City-Poppy City-Poppy lenterpleie, 12. Mis. William II. Van Horn, Halt I-ikc CltS Centerpiece. Jl Mrs Jane V. Huvviit. Salt Iaike City Carver's cloth Jl Mrs P H Ilostwlek. tea iloth, 12 Mis. (leorgc T (loodwln, Halt Lake Cits Hldebiulil stair, Jl. Mis ltlddle, Hilt Uike City Apron, Jl. Mlsi Hdlth C Hobbs, Salt Lako City -Infanl's Pillow -inse, Jl Miss IMIth I' llohbs. Halt Luke City -Six doslles, Jl Mis. II (I 'laylor. Salt Lako City Handkerchief St Mis Ma) Hndgson, Salt Lake Clls Hllpper-iase II Mrs Ma) Hodgson, Hull Lake City Pail) bag, Jl Mis T J. Marnne). Hilt Uikc City Nlghtrobe case, Jl Mrs Clarlnda Hojlance, Sprlngvllle Slippers. II. Mrs. J. J. Dasnes, S-Ut Lake City Vloli t carver's cloth, Jl. CLAHS 7. Mrs Hanlelt Nclf. Hast Mill Creek Shams, Jl Mrs Catherine Hiifcn, Mount Pleas-ant Pleas-ant lledstircad. J2 Mrs II cl. 3'uloi, Salt Lake City Child ufghaii Jl Mrs Haiuh i: Hrheisle), Halt Laka Clts-Infant'H hood, Jl Mrs. Hanlelt L Nc-ff Hast Mill Cieek Infant's shawl 11 .Mrs. 11. ll Taslor. Salt Iaike Clt Infant's bootees 50 cents. CLASS 11-H1LKS. Miss Nellie Nelson. Hrlglnm Cltj -llest live pounds cocoons, diploma and Mrs. losrphlne II Hose Pannlilgtnn lleeL-il silk thiee pouii.ls, diploma and 53; two bc-t leeled rill:, not less than two pound 12, pound spun silk, J2: dress pitlein. J"., tnioons. reeled silk nnd ininufaclund silk Jit. Mis. A. II. Little. Hult Lako City Hmbroldcr), J2 50 POI 11 nv T W. lllnl, tits-Beit pair partildge Co-chin Co-chin chicks, first and second prizes J and II H If I'lnnock, cits llest pair barred Pis mouth ltoek fowls second Prize ll, best pair barred Plj mouth nock cbkks flrs iulz, S2 T P Suldon, cltv llest pair barnd PI) mouth Itnik fowls first prize II, J. W lllrd-WMie Plymouth Hock fowls, llrsl prize 12 J A MiCuuiduud Logan-White Plv-mouth Plv-mouth Hock fowls Hrst prize, 12 J W. Hlid clts-Whlle I'lsmouth Iloch fowls, second prize II J A McCausland-White Wsandottes, Ilist prize, 12, s.coud prize, II c U Ilennett cits llluck Langshan chicks. Hist and second prizes, J2 und II J W. lllrd-Whlto Ugh .a and while Leghorn chicks, llrst prl 12 each Deuring & Kcclhcs- nlte Leghorn chicks, sicond prize. II It S Winter, clts-Hlack Minorca fowls, Hrst prize 12 W C Wondruir. city-Golden Bcabrlsht bantam chicks, llrst prize 12 J W. Uird, cits-Dirk Ilrahma fowls, Hrst and s. eond prizes, 32 and 111 same for dirk Ilrahma ilileka; gulden Wjundotto fnuly. 11, ut f.rlve &' Janus Solomon, illy Golden Seabrlght bintam fowls, second prize H Dan oullg tlolden Seabrlght bantam chicks, second prize II I. II Pickering i Its-Silver Wyandotte fowls, Hrst i.rlze 12, same for clucks J II Ilasluni, eltv-liuff Leghorn chicks, Hrst nnd second prlz.s. 12 and 11. II Hunt-Golden Polish fowls, first and si i nnd prizes 12 and II, chicks sime II and II, black Polish row Is, Hist prize, 12 It S Wlntrr White Japanese bantam fowls, Hrst prize 12, Will White, ad mo, set ond prize. II M J Mcilrnth rltj Huff Cochin bin-lam bin-lam chicks Hrst prize, , Itodger Jessup, same, si rond prlzi II Will While Huff ( i.ehln baiilum chicks llrst prize, 12 George lllacke, second prize 51 William Iteelcker Pikln ducks, first and second prizes 12 and I J 1) Morgan -llesi pair, any standard, Hrst prlzi Jumes Solomon, same, also llrst pi Is. II CllfTorit I olllger, ellv-dlilnea pigs Hrst prln. Hi best collet Hon of guinea pigs, diploma and II HOItTICl'LTIIIIll PIl4KH The nwar.lhig of prize In deparlmept (1 linrlliiiltur and llorleulltiie, wss I e-gun e-gun during sester.liv forenoon and had been priicilcalls completed by evenlnr lb., prize -whim rs follow N I) Johnson Prov.. Apples, Hrst prize, tin also third prize 12 Waller Kiddle Sail Ilke-Applen, see'-nnd see'-nnd prize, 13 MUs Ina ll Johnson, ('alder's nark-Fiult nark-Fiult Jars, second prize 51 lluddurt Plural iiimpans-KI '. sec-on.l sec-on.l prize, 13), same for foil ige and plants, prize 110 James llarwnod, Lehl P.nglsh walnut, Hrst pilze, S3 I! P Cordon, W'lllard-IVaches. Hist prize, II H W Crugllll, Weber cnuil) Peaches, see ond prize Ii Salt Iaike Vulles Canning enmpans, Og-den Og-den Canned goo Is ixlilbll second prise, III, also Hrst prize on I'tnh peaches, 110; Hut pilze on 1 lab ar 110 Hrst prize ease Vluli aprl.ols, IP), llrst prize, Utah string lieuns, tia. James M Fisher Bast Mill Creek-Largiat Creek-Largiat vsrlelv of peaches Hist prize 112 8 v I'ragun Wels-r iniint)-nt ili.il lie pejt ti s seiond pilze l same (Hirst .nulll. teaches Hr-a prize II .lame hlng I ilrter'B park llnt't qusl-1U qusl-1U iiuchu. second sirUs. ii. ' r nm uw . Hi me i IV t, Ih-e priz II 1 J M Siolll I i r I in. si qui l of i yii .r hi iiu I I James S I l-b i 1 .ii Mill ink llsrg.sl llsplic f i us llisl oiizi lie I ll.niui.liw .. I ng.el illspll. or p.Mirs m, ,ml pi u. 1, James I Islur Hot plums s.iond prise II also awald of 11 for largest dlsplas of Plums 8 W Craaiui-liest ilunis llrsl prise In. James Pish, r Prunes second prise'. 51 H W Criiguu Prunes llrsl prise, in, II L Judil St Hiiirgi-Hiin-ilrlM fruits, llrst prise M Jumes King Colder s Finest variety of silli-drleil fruits second prise. It, evaporated evapo-rated fruits second prls. 14 silll-drloil lietl.heB Hrst rise It ecapnraled nil-pi nil-pi led pen. his Hrst prize It peeled peaches, Hist prise, II aim dried ihmu Ill's, llrst prize II sun dried prunes tlisl prise. It I, J I ul I SI George-Sun dried nprl cots llrst prise lit. lames Mux Sun dried apricots seiond prise lit, rvitpornlml aprtiots. seiond prise II. hi si itisplus of i vaixirated frails, first prize (10 Joseph W Smith Draper llesl evspo-riilnl evspo-riilnl ieiuii, hist prise II, cvaiorated l.eai Ilea, sei .n I prlsi II 1. Hemuitimiev I nrgest vnrlels of Iswt graded iipphs Ills! rise 110 it F Smllh Uirgesl vnrlels liest graded apules sei I oris. IT, ll L lud I I'lu.st qlMllly grapes llrsl prize llo, largest varleiv of grni.es. llrst prise llu ll'ioch Farr tsgileu Finest quallts of grapes, si ond prize, I. 8 D t biimh-rlalii Cal ler's-tirgest va-rlels va-rlels griiier s. i olid prise IS. It. L Judd-Kifl varuts raisins sicond prize, II i W e ragiin -llest ipiluies, pccon I prize, 12, MINHHALS Ashlon Flic lltlek and Tlio eompnns, Salt Luke Clls Diploma ror best display dis-play and quallts lire bilek 'I be loiu-loma loiu-loma be uwardiil to tames II lloins-liy lloins-liy nf Wood's Cross for the best ills, play of llie-ptooilng nml giuln Hie MllllCHLTUHAL PIlODl'CTS Stnep"r Ilros, Center ll-llit Inn In I of fall win -it, illploina mid 13 Slreepir Hint, Cenlirvlll.' llest buslul of spilng wheat, dlplotn i und I". John It Hume, Kassvllle llest bushel nf clubhead halh), dlplomu und U Htieeper llios, Cenlervllle llest bushel of oils dlplomi and II Louis Fas til' Mill Creek-He si bushel bush-el of sellow nun diploma mid 12 Htri'opoi llios, Ccntervllle llest bushel of while i.irn, diploma and 12 Louis Faster .Mill Creek- llest half-bushel half-bushel swiet mm diploma and 12 W'llllmu lllo.nl Kiissvllle-llest half-hushel half-hushel of iMip'corn, illploma nnd 12. FitoDFci:, Hi:i:is, nic Htieeper llios Cenlervllle llest Ivvent) live poiimls timothy seed, dlplu-na dlplu-na and 12, Hlieep-r Ilros. Ccntervllle-llest twenly-llve pounds lucerne or u Haifa seed illplntn.1 and 12 H Ilrlggs, nountlful-Hest tvvinty-tlve pound dried svvctt torn foi lablo use, diploma and Jl. Strceprr llios, Ccntervllle llesl ills-pluy ills-pluy ulul varlity Utuh-growii seed, diploma di-ploma and 13 Hlreeper Ilros., Ccntervllle llest ex-hlhlt ex-hlhlt of ninlnssis, sllvei medal mid IT. Hear Hive i VVutei eiimpuus. Corlnno No. 200 W'hltu Club barley, special pilze, JIO. Hlreeper llios, Cenlervllle llest len gallons inolasses. special, JIO, vi:oi:taiili:s Pilzes for unions varieties of potatoes pota-toes vveie awarded to : Ililggs, liouu-tlful, liouu-tlful, C. (1 Poller Poiteisvllle. Martin Holmon Sand), Louis Faster. Mill Creek Joseph T Mahes- Hnuntlful, N. t Holm l'nriuei a ward, und W. L. Illgbs, Centervlllo, prizes for each va-rlet), va-rlet), 12 Louis Fnjler, Mill Creek-Host ono dozen long red bee Is, J2 John It. Winder. Halt Lake City Hest one dozen mangel wurzel beets 32. Louis Faster, Mill Cieek llest ono dozen su-rar beets. 12. Louis Fu)ter Mill Creek-nest ono dozen long red carrots, 12. Louis Fnytei Mill Cieek llest ono dozen while earrots, J2 Louis Foster, Mill Cieek Hest one dozen parsnips, !J John T Mabey, Hountlful Hest half-bushel half-bushel )Ilow onions each vnrlct) J2 John T Miihe). Hountlful llest half-bushel half-bushel reel onions 12 ll Ilrlggs, Hountlful Host half-bushel sellow iiulonn, euch variety 12, best half-bushel white onions, each Millets', J2t best half-bushel pickling onions, 12. Louis Faster Mill Creek, best half, bushel white onions J.', 12. Ilrlggs, Hountlful llest one bushel early turnips 12. Louis Faster Mill Creek Host ono bushel Hie turnlrs 32 C. (I Porter. Portersv lllo Hest dls. play of inbbages live prizes of J2 each. II. Ilrlgi-s llounlirul Hevt display of cabbages four prizes of 32 each CO Porter Pol tervlllo liest display (liullllower, J2 IJ. Ilrlggs, Hountlful Hest 'display rhubarb, J2' best display lettuce, 32; best display radishes, J2, best display pot herb', J2 best display peppers, J2 best display em umbers, 12, best display; watermelons, 12, inntaloiipes 2, pumpkins, pump-kins, 12, ogetnblo imnow 12 Louis Fuytei. Mill Cieek llest ills-play ills-play citrons, J2 early squash, 12; late squash 12 summer squash II Fred Hurgln, Center llle Host dls- Iilay llubbird squash 12, best display lohlrabla mid egg plant. 12 Il Hrlggs. Hountlful Hist ellspluy kohlrabis mid egg plint, 32, tomatoes, 12, asparagus, 12, eeler), 12, green beans, 12, woith) varieties of green or string bonus, cue It peck 12; best ills-play ills-play fiirni and garden produce, got 1 medal, HFUH John 11 llatk S Hous, Hilt Lako City nest exhlslt bees llrst premium, j, second premliiin, 13, best 100 pnin Is lonib hnnev. Hist prize, II set out! prlz 13, hest 100 pniiuls exlrailed boms, tltst prize, Jl, second, 12 liest dlsjilay packuge honey, 12 and Jl best 100 pounds beeswax II and 52. best exhibit hees In observation hives in and Jl, beit exhibit of hnnes-piodueliig plants, Jj nnd II best display In this i lass, 110 John II Hick A. Son, halt Like City Hpeelnl prize for honey In eeiiiib, JIO The iiiiiiinltlee nn award re.ommend- ed, that a pilze of 12 he awarded to lohn T Mobs for 'Ingest and best quality of pumpkins It fuither suggesteil that I'lNIl AltTS John Hafen -Quaking Aspens, J100, Wasatch Valley, J2S George Taggart Irish Peasants. J23 II. L A Ciilmi i-AHerglow In Wit-sutch Wit-sutch Mountains ISO Hdna Sloan Aineilean Ilenuty Hoses, JIO Mrs Lee Madonna Ii M M. . tiling Les lllra, IS, Itoman Hernial. J5 Mrs H. Minor Lilacs, JIO, best ills-Mrs ills-Mrs I- A Susder Lilacs seconil crlie. J' M J I'nlniie P rogripbv il" Johnson Compaii) Hest i lioto slews, , (.Coutlauud pn I'ago 2 J H illi Ii "' stHt0 r"h' NfltC8, HHH Jjj't 81 J j JO MoDormld of the executlxe com. HHH ill ) l.i K I mlltee nnd ulao .hall mull of the torn- HHH itlK 'l.rt I.' I inltlec on uniuatiiienu waa one of the HVJ v!" 1 1'tf Hi'? mjaleat men 011 the l'alr KinumU HBJTi r rJ 19 r tliroimlioiit the week Mr McDonald BHtflf Li ViA WT'i "UM '"" ""' ,,u" bowemr, to hHimI ' I , ! 1 ;1j r I " all d.ialla falllnit within lila ileimit- Blliir'ilS ""nt HHifiil! t 'I'1 W ne ior tj 1 1,1, r .1,1, , r the HflK'lfir fl I If A tPrition hull i ilr n, , .111 Hi I H MwmM l i4- lis the wtck h total mim b dult a ImtM 11 t tlie ci l- a" I bidding wai I - ihliriren ''fit, miklmc a total of paid iidinlBflrn of mix from which -t- the .ash receipts dcrKcd were -f f Wl J 'I he admissions to the grandstand - realised the ail 111 of SIlMJIi for un- 4- rtacned seals and !! for reaere.l, -f niakhiK a t tal of tlSUT.. I he grand total of rcoelpts from -f all aounes amounted to SW i 4 The aoikij ip.nrted in prrpirallon for the eont Tji or more than the Mt ite appropriation, and It la altogether IlkeU that there will 4 he . rf. fl.lt whm all bills are paid whne mndy, finlt and Bottvenlm were Bold II Ih a fentine that should he abandoned and the apace given them should h hi lorded to legitimate exhibit exhib-it 'I he vaudeville atliaetloiis at the fall were of a high lirder and diew enormous enor-mous eruwd ta.ii afternoon and even-Inn even-Inn foi John )faii ks nf Nevada In par-lleiilar par-lleiilar and the entlie coaat In Reneral Is aironglv 111 favoi or a rlr. ult of fat alouk shows, to Iniludc tteno Huira-memo Huira-memo Poitland HeUtUe II., lee and Halt Ijikedlj .Mr Mpnrks biought Ihr iiintter to thf attention of sevenil 111 ih intllciiieti at tin Kali ilutliiK the wiek and the Idea wnB well reielieil It Is unfoitiiiiHln that no provision for 1 cold storage is made at the J'ali ' grounds, ispeelalty In the dairy and j fruit departments Home of the fiult that looked the ulieat on the first ,Uv I of the rnlr whs entln! sKilled l.efoie Saturday night U Ith 11 cold sloiage room exhibitors could have fresh spei -Itnena lo ir Ian fallen fiult tm It da) Iho displav by the Ileni Itlvit .mil pany was pionoiiiued by lunnv the most lompit iienatx. of any in the ex position building The exhibit 1 onslst e.1 nf satnploa of all the rereals loot 1 rops griisaos v. gi tables anl fruits that an toimnou to northern Utah linn Treil J Klexol of Dgden Bhowed rotniuelidahle I ublli spirit as well as enterprise b) hrliiKluir sl of hla purt-bte.l purt-bte.l reicheioiis to the Htnte Till The State Hi linnl Tor the Deaf nnd Illlnd showed some leallv wonderful work done by the puplla In that Institution Insti-tution I he woodwork lonalstliiR of dresser bookcase and tnbh nude b the deaf waa tspiclitlv line Shoes made hj the blind u well aa the net work and haiiimotks received tmii h at-ti at-ti nil. 111 The fiult shown by the at lino! was goo I but not uently iqual tn ttiat displaced Inst ear The exhibit of fl-li In tanks hy John Sharp Htnte I'lsli and Oaine Cnmmla alnni r, wna most Interesting Ten tanks tilled with innstnntly (liunKlng vvuler contnlned tlslus riitiRiiiR In size from the smallest minnow to a live-pound ttotit, Aa tiBiinl at Utah State rnlrs, Mra MarKiuet A Culne sciretnrv nf the Htnte Hllk commission was In the ex-poiltlon ex-poiltlon hall with 11 tine dlpla nf l'tah silk In the various atBKC lanRlnir from the toconn to 11 pleio of the llnest iiual ll of Rroi Rrnln lilnir- rlhhon. MrB 1 line waa krit busy explaining the priucsstM In sell itilture and tlie wonderful won-derful iidtptnhlllty ot Utah tn thnt In-duali) In-duali) The slieep in n. tiend-mlll furnlBhJnK power to inn a sm ill cream scpaiatnr atlraited iiiuili attention. The exhibit points nut a new use that tna he made of a pet lamb in runnltiR n washing machine wood saw, churn and olhcr utensils on a farm A dlsplnv tint was new tn l'tah pen pie was the wire bound pipe manufactured manufac-tured bv tlio liitcrinouulaln ripe com. panj. 'I he pipe la made In idrei from foil 1 Imhea to ten Imbes mid Is con Btlileted of Oregon fir staves beveled In mnlie a perfectly round pipe, and then bound with henvj wire uinnltiK spiral ly the length of the JolntB The pipe will Stan I 11 pleasure of 12(1 pound nnd Is Riiaiinteel to list longer In mound tlim Iron The pipe It manufactured bv a louil compinv with George A Iliac k president c liarles Head vice ptesldent and (1 II l.lnslej secretary and manage!. The Immense crowds Ih it lined the fencea foi innie than one-half the tli-cuniference tli-cuniference of the race track were unable una-ble to elihei hear the decision" of the Judges ot lo see the small bnird tint contained the lesult nf various inces It would I., well If at all future luces there should be 11 rider on horselmi k tci HO up the Hue and announce results. Pinf V Iltttl Ihenewlj appointed, horticulturist at the Agricultural college col-lege of l'tah waa shown annul the I'nlr grounds bv I'm! J A rlRht his pic decessoi In the chair of horticulture nt thecollege 1'i-of llutt la nu nll-arntiud nRileulturlst and a roo.1 Judge of live atoik and he pionoiiiued the cattle nt the Pair good enough to show In any rliiR In America Piof I, A -Vlerrlll nf the Agricultural college of l'tah look -vdvantaRe of the piesenco of some of his agrli ultural Btu.lents at tlie Pali to give them nn object lesson In tile diamine nt the di'iiiouatrallon plat west of Jni Ian ilvei Piof Merrill l an enthusiast and nn expert on dialnage and he la Imparting good Instruction to his stti-denti stti-denti One of Hie lieaullfnl exhibits was a displav of silk embroider), done h) Mrs N T Ijil'lanl nf West Joldan The dlspla) contained eleven pieces and was awarded (list piltie a silver medal nnd J2 Mr LaPlnut Is a pupil of Miss l'owler at the Ijice Huuae Very much depends upon the point of view I.aat evening a passenger on a street tar coining In from the Pilr grounds was tteaid tn lemark "Tlie Pair ain't a pan bin' In the one nf last jear, why there ain't a single plow on the grounds Tho man was evldentls h mechanic Nn nsaen Mage nf l'tah eltljens ever before iaw so niuih value Included In Klven number of animals aa was tep-reseniecl tep-reseniecl 111 the paiade nf prixc-w Inning In-ning hnraes mid cittle at the Pair grounds scwteidav afteinoon Home of tin .hurt horses In the ilns were valued at tlMO tn Jinon and the. most fnahloii. abl) bred cattle Were fated at lino to J1S0.I It waa noted by a number of the old exhlbltoia in the fruit department that one of the successful Halt Luke comprt-Itoos comprt-Itoos In dilvd fruit was a man who two tears ago waa ilenKd space for hla sun-pan hod fruits he. uuse of their In ferlorll) Hlmn then the person In question baa followed the directions la sued b) thi Slate Hoald of Ilortlc ultuie and this ei had u number of evhlhlts In dried fruits that received well merited mer-ited priiw Ho much for the spirit ot progress A gentleman who has traveled extensively exten-sively and makes a specialty of attend. In State fairs, from Maine to ('alitor. Ilia, said moat emphatically aterday that th. fruit exhibit nt the Pair Is as good as he has ever men so fur as ciuallt) iroci not even ceptln ( all-fornla all-fornla Messrs J H Fttelej Jesse M Bmltl, unci Will. ml Hanson new together yes-tenia) yes-tenia) miking a critical Inspection of a pen of Kainuoulllet rams The sheen st med uivrd in the presence of thtee aueh expert Judges nf wool and mutton In ll 0 paiade of pi le-wlnneis jester. de . ,. IV, 1 1, S(, nK , , I'lire till , , , 1 d . 1 to 1 rfi . 1, , ',.;, """' h of h.l i I grade, animals Amoncr tho cattle were twent) live pure bred Hhorthorns twen. t) three llerefords and eleven Jersejs. , llils showing alone far exceeded the total nunibii shotvn at the Fair a few enrs back, et the prlie-wlnners were onl) a few of the many fine rattle on Ih. (.-rounds vesttrday. The third-premium third-premium cattle and the large number that received no premiums at ail were line enough to please tho e)e of an) hut an expert still these were not shown In the p trade. President 'I nomas Judd of the "Hate Hoard of Ilnrttoultute was In a remln. iBient mood )esterday nnd recalled the fruit shows made by his board on tht portico of the hall or relics In 1M6 and 1S97, when thero was no Stale Fair Mr Judd said thit at the shoiva In eiueatlon the members of the hoard nearly kinked their necks In twisting the few apples around io as to hide the worm hotel from view. The fruit obtained in thoc tears was begged honowed or bought nnd no exhibitors wire there to tell nbout their fruit However tho spirit of competition seized upon iomo ersons who saw the fiult collected by the hoard, so that In Iho Htnte Tulr of 1RHS 11 creditable Blieiwliig was made The excellence of the fruit shown b) the Hoard of Ilortl. iiillure six years ago was such as to call fotth most extrcvagant praise, yet lhie bus been a stead) gtowth and Improvement In the fruit noticeable eaeli teui Mi Judd feels that the work or the Hovrd of Horticulture has home fruit both literally and tlgura. tlvel) nnl in this then, are man) who believe with Ihtn l'rnf P II Llnlleld of the Asrlcultu-rnl Asrlcultu-rnl milage of l'tah has been one of the hardest worked men on the Pali KtmineN all week llesl.les supervising his class of students In stock Judging Prof Llnlleld acted aB Judge In each classes of cuttle Incacheless Judged dlffeient tneti weie associated, but Piof Llnflelcl .icte.l in each case The task was an 111 il nous one, but was performed per-formed to the Hitlafactlon of nearl) every ev-ery exhibitor Prof lames Drtelen of the Agrliultu-lal Agrliultu-lal college of Utah waa ut the Fair and scored the chickens ns usuil giving taieful attention tto all marklnRS The fruit exhibit from Washington county attracts scores of visitors who arc loud In praise of the dried fruits, lalalns and tigs, and the fresh grapes, almonds and pomegranateB The fruits In the "Dixie" exhibit were all prepared pre-pared under the direction nf the Stale Hoard of Horticulture and In accotd-ance accotd-ance with the printed Instructions Is. sued for distribution by the boird. Mr James f! Welch of Morgan county coun-ty Inn on exhibition some Wolf river and Wealth) apples that proeliltn the adaptablllt) of the higher Utah val-le)H val-le)H to apple culture. The apples are ninoiiK the finest shown In the entire Hit nf superior apples from other sec Hon" A featute which eavois strong!) nf tlie ' back Uaat ' fairs was the svle of numerous bend of ontllo and sheep by exhibitors Hull oilvcs sold at J150 lo J-1"), while some rams sold at private sale for J1K and 11 number of ewes ut $73 each Opportunity to come face to face with customers I one ot the crentest bentlils thit bleeders derive from the Fair. |