Show 11 CITY BRIEFS II 11 From Frum Mn State SoC e II W. W Landreth a manufacturer of Oconto Wis Vis anI and Mrs Landreth have ha been visiting D D. M M. Landreth rne Thel are art on a a. trip to San Francisco Y 1 M. M C. C A. A Worker Hero H. here H. H W. W Arnold Arnold Ar Ar- nold of New ew York is conferring with General Secretary Oscar L L. Cox and other local Y V. M. M I. I C. C A. A workers having stopped off for tor a da day while on his way east cast from froum Seattle From S. S. S M. M r. r Barlow has haa returned from where ho ime went wenton on a a. business trip He Ife tie is enthusiastic over o the time prospects of that section of Utah Mr Mrs Ir T. T 1 G. G D Bend Mrs T or G G. Rattle wife of or the general agent of the Chicago and Northwestern at It Denver Is dead ead Mr Ir Rattle is well known lo lo- lo cal cally ly luN s ha Clearing Tho Salt Lake Clearing House association reports total clearances yesterday as as lS compared with 95 for tho the corresponding da day last year car Dr Hurled Here Time The The funeral of or Dr J. J H. H Ritchie who formerly practiced practiced dentistry in Salt SnIt Lako and Payson Payson Pay- Pay son but of late hate had imad been living in Los Angeles was held yesterday from the S. S D D D. Evans g mortuary chanel Inter Inter- mont ment was In Mount fount Olivet II Thc The fun funeral funeral fun fun- eral oral of ot George CrIsmon pioneer of or 1817 who died here recently win will be beheld beheld held Saturday at 1 12 1230 30 p. p m. m from the time Fourteenth ward assembly hall ball The Time body ma may bo be viewed from Crom 10 to 11 1130 30 o'clock at tho late residence East Seventh South street t. Interment will be lie In the elt City cemetery The Utah National Dank nank will hold Its adjourned annu annual 1 stockholders stockholders' meeting Thursday Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- day and on the same sume I day a the thu National Bank of ot tho time Republic will elect officers It Is la expected that F F. A A. A Heinze will re retire retire ro- ro tire from the directorate of ot tho time former institution Thursday No changes are anticipated In the officers of Ur- Ur UrBank Bank of the Republic The rhe Utah National will hold Its election eJection of officers Digs Die Up hi o lamms Hans Jasperson Jasper- Jasper son soil of tah L reports that while digging a cellar there ho found a c. metal Jar Jal of oC J peculiar cullar workmanship about two feet below the time surface of the ground Time Tho utensil Is apparently part len lead and part brass Is In iii tho the shape of a vase nac and is thickly encrusted with corroded metal tinny 10 mut Applications Applications for 01 pardons have been filed riled with the time attorney general for Cor presentation to the then n next meeting of tho the par pardon on board from the following prisoners now confined In Inthe tho the state prison James Larson on perJUr perjury perjury per per- JUr jury three years In Iii tho the state prison from Sanpete county sentenced S Sept 13 13 1907 John Johni Edmund Edmun Burke robbery 10 years In the state prison from Coul- Coul yule s sentenced Nov 12 1906 Edward Keller burglary third degree six elx months In the tho tate state prison from Castlo Dale sentenced Oct 23 23 1907 Street Cur Car Victim Ih George Smith and Willis hardy tho the two de delivery de- de livery men of ot Keith O'Brien's I store tore who were lere Injured in the tho street car collision on Tuesday were rc reported last nJ night ht as lS recovering nicely from their Injuries ant and amid that no serious results are expected Wore ure Hell Postmaster A. A L. L Thomas presented cat carnations nations to every try one In imm the tile federal building yesterday yesterday yes yes- 08 morn morning InK In commemoration of the he birthday of ot William Wiliiam McKinley The Time postmaster and E. E H. H r Callister ar are aro the only two men In time the government serIce serice serIce ser- ser Ice Ice In this city w who o received commissions commissions com corn missions from the time late President Old Fashion The flail The Daughters of the he Plon Pioneers ers will give an In old fashion ball bail Frida Friday Feb 21 in the Lion house hOllst Tickets will be Jl 1 I each The proceeds will be used to place markers at nt the time points o of Interest in church history both Jn In tho East end and In the West S 5 I |