Show PANAMA IS READY fOR O Occupancy by United States Gives Time for Peaceful Peaceful Peace Peace- ful Pursuits r i MAGOON ON CONDITIONS ur 11 4 Governor GO of Cumin Canal Zone TelI of oC Rapid Strides Toward Towar l tc f CivilIzation Civilisation J 4 Washington on Feb 13 In I In his examination examination exam exam- this afternoon by b the senate te Invest Investigating committee Gov GO Magoon o of o. the canal cartal zone was wa asked aked b by Mr Mi 11 Simmons why the people of ot Panama were wera not engaged more marc In agricultural vocations He Sid said that ho hl had asked aked that question queston himself because it ft had aggravated him t to see wide plains of rich soil sn uncultivated and antl had been told that it was because because be be- wa cUse cause of or the fear of o revolutions That fear ha had now disappeared and there therewa was wa already a wonderful development In the interior as a a. result ot of thc the feel feel- Ins ing that the United States Is there an and that the days a s 's of oC revolutions aro are over o Two Tso crops of ot corn a year rear were easily to be raised and In some somo sec see lions lons three would be p possible One reason why more market gardening gard gard- cuing ening was wa not done lone was that that the laborers laborers laborers lab lab- could make mako as much working eight hours hour a day for tho the canal as 1 eighteen hours under tho the hot sun in Iii inthe 1 the fields felds Do you think the tho hour eight limitation limi hirni- tation on ox-i an any class clas of or labor there thero Is conducive Q to the progress or well bc In ing of oC th the work volk asked Senator Morgan lor an J 1 I 1 1 do not nol replied d Gov Magoon ta oon Laborers Receive No Xo Benefits Ho lo sal said that tho the laborers would come conic early in the morning and sit bit Il down waiting for tor the hour of ot seven o'clock to como come to begin worl work They TheY did thu nothing to lo improve their con condition condi condl- llon l- l Lion tion lon In the lie extra hours of or leisure afforded af at- forded fordel fordel them by tho the application of or the tho law and he did not believe they were prepared to receive the Ule benefits of or th the thc hour eight hour ht-hour law Jaw He ic himself had never hover believed th that that law should app apply to nn any labor labo outside tho the limit of tl I United States tates t In Ii 11 refer reter reference to the made mado h by Poultney Bigelow Below Go Got Gov I Ii goon saul said sid that ho fully fUl 1 endorsed I It rotary of War rafts Taft's a d Chief neer Stevens' Stevens r reply pl H HO i pro l 1 IG are tl on tho the C tU ri l cond condition ci that the lie present p toa laborers IK is better than I lk It was was' a a J. J beter ts the last five y V time during Jat fv 1 Tho The laborers arc accustomed to o oJ J ip- ip peal to their heir thel consuls wU overy l kind of ot complaint While there were were malt ma many l such complaints at al first frt thero there are arenow now almost none Got Gov Magoon also als produced affidavits nEil affi af- af davits davis from several erl ministers of oJ tho the that gospel on the tho Isthmus declaring the he Mar Martinique wpm women en on the tho zono welo elO living hiving good bood lives and at affidavits from women them themselves cles He laid before the committee photographs of or orthe the Interior and anc exterior of the houses houss barracks and hotels which have havo been put up for the uso use of tho the laborers rs to prove that they were ere comfortable and well weB cared cred for forr Doesn't Want ant ant Annexation In answer to the question queston as to whether the tho United States would not have to take talce a 3 larger large hand han In the fu future ru- ru ture tune in order to protect our interests in the canal and against disease GOMa Gov GO Ma Maroon Magoon oon sald he thought that the United United United Unit Unit- ed States was exercising now as many powers power as would ever be necessary unless there should be a revolution Ho declared that Panama was not 10 thinking of or desiring anne annexation aton thinking Tho The committee has hns asked Wm m. m Nelson Nel Nd- elson el- el counsel counselor of son Cromwell the general the Panama railroad and fiscal agent of the Panama republic and J J. R. R Mantel Markel el whose contract to feed tho the canal was abrogated to name days next w week ck when the they will appear to testify |