Show GURLY BARUp DAN BAR TALKS I OF Up OLD STAGE t DAYS DAIS Famous Driver on Sierra Nevada Nevada Nevada Ne Ne- vada Route Recounts Story of Holdup COLFAX HAD WEAK HEART Hut allt man Consul man lUau lao That Oi- Oi Ol nn an us J In Li II HIhl Plato Place When J InI In- In 11 llian I in lib Made Attack on Singe e. e Forty years ar 1 ago ngo Curly Dan Hobbins Hobbins Hob Hob- bins was was the hero hern of more dime clime novels nov els cis than any other character that thai drove stage ta e on the old Sierra Nevada stage staG route roulo Curly Dan I Is 70 years old lives In San Jose enl Cal and owns a hotel in ht San Frandsen He lie and Charles Porter another septuagenarian narl- narl an are arc owners of oC considerable other property The two old cronies became became be be- came Involved In In an nn argument the Iho theother other day as to what occurred and what did nut not occur during the GOs CDs Curly Dan was not disposed to boast of or the things ho he hhall had hall done and Air Mr Ir Porter explained that thal Curly Curl Dan wants to go to heaven and antl is therefore bent on forgetting some ome of his earlier exploits Whenever Porter Por Por- Porter ter lea would recount some sonic sUn stirring event In which Curly Dan Dnn was a principal principal prin prin- cipal the latter would Insist that It was his brother Curly Jerry who should have ha the credit Both Hoth Curl Curly Dan and antI Curly Jerry Jerry Jer Jer- r ry were trusted of or the Wells Forgo o company at al that lime and it ft Is known that the they each cacti killed In the neighborhood of oC a llo dozen cn stage rob rubbers burs Trip With lilt Con Congressman I lUan I lOr I used to dangle the lines hues over o six sK hood good horses on a route roule forty miles mills long ong front from Salina to San Diego o said Curly Dan and Ive I've got Jot the marks mak fl of f the six she I leathers ath l s on m my h mantis hands ls ll yet el You see sec eC whan when I was driving over o the lan l'an range c my brother who was just justa Justas as a n. much like me mc as If IC we were wre twins used to drive c one end of the route router Wo We e drove together in the early CDs GOS I remember one time when we wc were there attacked b by Indians In a pretty tight place II In the thc pass and among ny toy spongers passengers ns was Con Congressman ressman Colfax Colfax Col- Col fax tax of or Massachusetts chu etts The Thc congressman congress congress- man ha had the tho box seat and he told me meas meas meas as w wo o pulled out that If the old machine machine machine ma ma- chine was held up he believed ved he lie would drop dead as us he had a touch of or heart henrt trouble and an any sud sudden en excitement excitement excitement ex ex- was liable to topple him hen over I hI told toM him there want an any danger dan dan- danger ger gel of or a up hold-up and at the time lim I didn't believe belle there was an any but hut after aCt af- af t ter cr r we had covered 1 GO miles o or the therun therun therun run I got sot a n tip that a gang gang- of Indians In- In ha had been loading up on whisky anti ind had shot another driver named McCutcheon as he lie neared Hal Hat Cre Creel l station I told the congressman about bot t tIt It t thinking that for a man with heart hearl dIsease trio the best thing was to remain at the station until the thc reds got sober Passenger l Shows Sho C Well Dan Dam says say's he Ive Iva sota gota got a weak heart but If It you'll let Jet me lIle have havea a decent sort of oC gun un Ill I'll try Jy and stick it t out with you At Al that the man tuna seemed scared and I was blaming m myself my- my self elf for tor letting him get into inlo a tight place with a weak heart There w r wo two women on board hoar and I know I tried ried to make malia them stay behind I knew enow who they were and al also o the thenan smut nan that was wa with them He said Im I'm not lIot going to be afraid and that he ic didn't tilde t propose C to Interrupt his journey for Cor a few Cew dirty re redskins and the he women backed him upWell upWell up Well Vell we wo were fifty miles from Crom Hat lIat Creek Cleele when somebody put a ball Into the he side off lea leader er and the poor brute made a plunge that came near pushIng push- push In Ing ng the whole outfit over O Into the canyon canon Down came the gang Gan out of he the rocks rock and there were welo fifteen cf of them hem That was as the tho time I got onto m my congressman with the thc heart hart dis- dis I ease case He had a rifle and anti there were I two wo Fargo Wells puns guns uns under the seat Its Iff fish fiah i r III r cut halt bait this thin time line I told toM him Keep a tight ht line on your OUI heat t. I Like LIU- an un Pinter I Heart be hanged I exclaimed th the congressman and before I fired a shot he ic had laid out two of or the gan gang that lint were cutting harness and then then- rolled off iff the coach like e a sack of ot oats with witha a a. i hall ball under his shoulder but bUl he lit Iii liton on om his right hl knee kree and the sole of his left eft foot fool and kept on shooting like an ol old The rho man lIlan with the ladies la- la dies lles shook like a leaf all through the thc trouble rouble and never ne fired fhe a blamed shot One of the girls though though and and Kho's Khos the tho mot mother er of a L big bl- family In hi San yan Fm Francisco blazed blazed away awny with three pistols tind came rame near nar n IHl killing ho tho congressman anti and myself Dul But that hat girl was S K-S game Ilme as they make muk them hem and t I was Wi of her We Vo heat heul those thos o fellows o off 1 killed three three more and the rest ct ran ian It wasn't much of an adventure ad- ad venture but there was certainly enough excitement to Hp upset t the time apparatus ap- ap of a u man mean with heart as And that girl When hen she saw law HO so i man many nany wounded she chic Just yanked anle l her hll I while un underskirt cr off her with a l ilp rip you ou could hear down the mountain she Sho tore toro it up into strips an and tle tied up the he con congressman rel who was bleeding lIke Ike a stuck pl pig and shouting like Hlee a Ie kid eld III let out Jut of school Then Ihen she he tied lied up tip ip onu one of the Indians and was going oln to o do clu the till same fro for I a n er ci half half- n cod that hail had been shot through h th the land hand That thirty dog og whipped out a n knife and made mado a I pa puss u s at her hm and m me mc being near I let daylight ht through him ilm quick You'd a u done the tho sa same c wouldn't you ou I |