Show i f COW PONY TAUGHT r NEW SCHOOL MAAM MA'AM Y ar t r Rounded U Up I p Bunch of Cattle 1 3 and Drove Them p to Town I WIT OF r RANCH CH ANIMALS ii r t sit S 'S 1 Dog 11 Chickens on f front Morning J w r Until Night 1 f. f c f Ranch Hanch animals ls are arc mighty ht Inter Inter- esling things to lo study tu r an ai ano anold o old III cattleman as ho tilled tilted his Ills chall chah hack back comfortably on Ha Its hind legs In ht Inthe the sunny Junn window of u a Broadway n ho- ho tel tol Somehow the they seem to have ha moro more character to them than your Eastern animals Then loo too the ranchman has time antI and opportunity to gel get acquainted with his four footed comra comrades c If Ift t lies he's living lI a bit off oCt the trail theirs their ma may Wray be the tho only faces he tees sees for Cor weeks together In the winter cr and his cats and sheepdog sheepdog- and amI cow cowand and ponies panics come to be more lilac like people to him titan than animals Cow ponies pontes now It beats all how they aro arc at nt their business which the thc l same Name Is herding cattle and ancl rounding o coup They're such uch wise vIse guys nil all the man In the saddle addle has hasto to tn do Is Ig to keep Iel his sent scat The Tho pony pon will hold down the test rest of or the tho Job The conscience at and Judgment and anti brilliant Initiative that a n cow pony 1 will put pot Into his work worle would keep many ny a poor pOOl devil out of or the tho bread lefts linos kh i- i A C few w years ears ago there was an nn old k- k lr maid mall m came to Terry I Mont from Maine to In teach tench the thc district district dis dis- school chool It was the custom then i i OH its It used to be he In hr New England for Cor forthe forthe the teacher to hoard hoar round in the families of oC the pupils The fh first st family to board boar the new nets z L J teacher happened to lo live on a ranch ij r about five miles out of or Terry and andas s1 C c as It was too far tar to walk back bael and antI forth foith the they 1 gave 30 her an old cow pony pon it- it r for tor her own use Well the first Monday Monda In n September came and antI the they g saddled up the pony pon and teacher got gol upon his hack with her books and pencils an and rulers and things an and andoff 1 oft off she started S Cow Pony Waked UI Up About a milo mile out from Crom the ranch thc they came upon a n little bunch hunch of or cattle grazing beside the thc road The fhe Theold Theold old cow pony had been along with his head stuck out as m If It Ithe he was wa asleep but hut the thc minute he caught sh sight ll of or them cows ho sure on on to his Job Creaking Breaking into a n alope alope lope Jope that sent teachers teacher's pencils flying o erthe the ro rn le In o nil all directions n and almost scattered teacher herself the pony popy proceeded to round up the C bunch Now Noy fh firmly holding a n 4 ous Otis cow In place now dodging round rounda or J J a n couple of or steers to cut off ocr n a silly 1 calf that was taking to the tho tall limber tim lim X J r ber her anticipating anticipating what the darn fools Cools it y was vos going to do clo next and seeing that the they changed their minds s to s suit tt his hits and and and nys al eliding circling nursing urging and tact tactfully Cully persuading in ini inless i less time line than Its tale taken en me to tell fJ t.- t. that little old cow pany parry had gathered em om om up Into Inlo a n compact herd and wasl was l driving em b before Core him Into Terry i So far aI so good says tOS Mister Cow CowPony CowPony t Pony but we aint there yet ret teach teach- er cr cr The road over O Terry flats flat Is gens generally gen gen- s orally peppered pretty thick with catt cattle entile cat cat- t a tie ile and match cows belonging to the thc people of or the village It was that z q day nut Cut the pony chide didn't t flinch He HeW Hew Ie w his dut duty If IC tho the thing on his back didn't n and he done It Not a n. meek eyed cow not a shrinking trembling little bo bossie sie 1 nut not nuta nota a steer escaped his attentions Some Some- 1 times limes It was stiff work hol holding one une herd and nuel rounding up another at the tho Kline tnIe time nut lint the tougher hel the Job tin tho more conscience and judgment r an and brains the puny pony put Into it it H. so sol soly l ly by y the lie tim ten the tho teacher struck Terry she was wai bringing up the thc rear icar of ot a fine fino collection of about 00 OO head lead of or cattle representing fifteen or twenty different differ cat ent l ranches k Mie the tits Children I 4 Theo Tho pupils had harl gathered In lit front 4 of the schaul schoolhouse house to 10 welcome the new i-chool i marm When they saw saty wl what at had hall happened they hey let out l a n ai delighted de dc- 1161 lighted yell o of or f Oh tee see e teacher roun i lug Ing up Ut the cattle ant and went of off Into Inlo fits tits and convulsions Ive Tye often ofton thou thought ht I would give lv a deal pursued the old man mui lo to know Inow Just what a marl Montana Muntana pony tunics thinks of cows anwa anyway He lie sum suro haa hru his opinion I 1 once olive had occasion to lo lock leek a calf P tip rill for a few days In hit the stable w where I 1 kept m my Ill I'll riding ling horse hOltSc I 1 forgot 1 whether the calf calt had hati he been on overlooked o looked i at branding lime time or whether It was too weak cal to stay slay out on the range or what whal It Il was but at all events c the tho calf t and the tho horse wore were In the stable together and both bolh louse loose It never r t U occurred to me there would b be c any an y thing doing on that account t Ill be he darned If It that rat al of ot a aPoll apony Poll tUlU pony didn't begin to lo round up tho the calf the tho minute my back hack was turned he hod hed tl hike e him Into one cOIn corner r then molt hed he'd chase him acro across the thc enclosure and pin him Into tho the opposite turner I Maybe he would stand on herd rd over oyer him hint there th as much as half an nn hour bout thwarting every overy attempt of or tin tho calf ar e to budge then than h ho he would corral cor cor- ral rat hint him In tho the middle and 1111 so on The Tito calf rolt wu was anxious to please c. c but he lie couldn't find rind out what was jib ted of or him hint and It confused him Finally I had to separate palte the tho two 5 f The file lo strenuous pon pony would have hav rounded up the tho youngster till he dropped droppeL The Tho wa tray this Instinct for tor herding copies comes out In sheep hIp h Ip dogs dohi is wonder I. I fut ful I once had p. p young oun collie given to lo me lie was only six Ix months old ok and anti lied had never received nil any training 01 or seen other dogs dos managing a band of oC sheep Collie ollie ns n lien Hen Wife WiCe I had hall goo gone o out OUI of oC sheep at th the time lime and there thelO was teas nothing about abou the ranch apparently for Cor him to doThe do tin The puppy PUPil moped about for fOl a n. week or 01 ten days clas Then a happy thought though struck him There Then were the hens liens From that day on he Iw never nC failed Called to herd the hens regularly He would be bc on the watch for 01 them when thc they emer emerged from Crom their thell house on the tho side of or the gumbo bank after feeding In Inthe Inthe the morning nUll anti would assume charge ge of ur them for tOI the thc le rest l of or the day Collecting them In front of ot him 1 he would drive dri them a clucking waddling protesting band out about half a SL mill mill- millon on to the prairie While thC they ran Inn about aboul after aftel Insects Insect or peeked at the the weeds ds and alyd grass hlaSS he sauntered about on the out outskirts I keeping a vigilant lant eye eyo on every ry pullet and rooster And punctually an nn hour before sunset he would gather them up into a compact little group and drive thorn them task he lie home This self appointed performed with the greatest system m of thoroughness displaying all nil the Iho highest gifts Sifts of oC the sheep dog dug tl fi fidelity delity judgment tact conscience He lie was a most engaging little rascal rascal ras ras- cal and 1 grieved for fOI him as If he hall hail b been Cn a human when after a few Cew months he ht ate wolf poison polson and dIc died I |