Show CRACK GRACK RIDERS fOR FAST L LOCAL RACES V Letters Leters From Speeders of National National Na Na- tonal Fame Insure Successful Sue Sue- Season IMPROVEMENTS ARE MANY Salt Pal Palace ce to o lie Re Scene of or I Ma Mulches lobes Between rainous lamOis ra- ra la- la V V liteRs inous mOis Cyclists In 1101 V UJ Under cr the thc management of or F. F E. E cycling will 01 begin In Salt Sal Lake with wih the he interest of funnier former years within the coming two months Alrea Already the fast amateurs fat aro are holing get gel ing their racers out of or col cold storage stor stor- ago age nn and priming them for the tho season season season sea sea- son coming and letters from froni tho the pro- pro In Indicate that lint the tho fastest In InhO he hO world word will wl appear on the local track again this year While hlo most of or the professionals are arc now In Australia and other warm clinics climes clime doing things on the bicycle all write that tha they will wI be bo here soon after the season seaon opens opens In most of or orthe the cities cites of or the United States the tho racing rac rae lIng lug ing game has died out antI and this his cI city I now holds cut the tho biggest parses purses and best prospects of r a any in the tho country V The policy of the he present mana management management manage manage- ement e- e ment has bas not been fully stated yet vet but it Is understood that the policy will wm be bl big purses lUIes and fair fall treatment treatment treat treat- ment to to o all al Harry Karry who managed the track during tho the last Jast two years car hn has one of hl his own o fl at Ogden Oden which ho he will wi look Jool after this year yearn An n effort was ma made e to induce was Heagren Henglen to go goto goto goto to Denver to lo take charge charge of tho the track there which has deteriorated ha durIng during dur dur- ing big the lie I last st few years cal but on account of his business in this city nn and other matters mates mate's he hc will wf not accept It I will ivill wf ta take e all al of his time in 11 Sal Salt Lake an and Ogden To put all runor at rest states positively that ho will ivill wi not go 0 to Denver to fo manage the track rack there this his year er Good Sport L I Is Promised Nelson an and orson HaJ will wi have havo charge of oC all aU the lie rights at nt the the Salt Palace hain having havinga three havIng a years years' lease leae on oh the property They promise to give to local patrons the best sport there is ii to bo be had Some little discord has already been stirred up among local c cyclists but hut this will wl probably subside when hen tho ho mana management shows shown goo good faith In bringing the lie best rl riders ers to this city and real really works to increase interest In the sport Manager has alrea already Y be begun n work olle on an InterestIng Interest Interest- lag Ing lo schedule for tor the tho coming season seaon V VIt It I Is assured th lh t I Lawson Lawon 1 Mc- Mc e- e d W. W r. IT C. C Hopper hopper C C. I. I L. L 1 Hollister and amid Saxon Williams who were the principals on the local track last Jast season will wi bo be seen again gain this year The Tho three are in Australia at nt present and have been winning everything In iii Insight Insight sight across the water Other ri riders Is of national fame nine who will wm probably bo be 10 seen on tho the local track arc are Crebbs Kramer Bedell cl brothers W. W S. S Finn E. E F. F Root Hoot and aunt Folger all al of oC whom starred slaTed in the tho six day l race in Madison Square Ga Gar Gar- den New lew York this tills winter Root and Folger won the thu six tIny race raco In Ina Ina Ina a wal walk Improvements costing about 1500 1600 GOO are ale being made at Salt Palace preparatory preparatory atory to the opening o of 0 the tho lie racing season the track is lein being put In good V eon condition tho the seats feals rearranged and other alterations mado made for fol the tIme beneJ bone bonc- lit fit J of the lovers of 01 cycling I |