Show I I. SINGLES END i Cm tain Title to Chum China I l in iii Y i- M. M C. C A. A Tournament much t. t All J I discussion as to the best handball handball hand hand- ball bal expert in the local Y M. M I. I C C. A S. S as get settled tied Satur Saturday ay afternoon when hen W. W v. v II I. I Curtain won ivon the title tite to champion champion cham chain pion by defeating Binch in three straight games Tho fhe scores stood as follows 21 7 21 16 16 1 and 21 10 Uhe rhe preliminary contests contest in the tournament tournament ment of singles has ha been In progress for tor several weeks With the singles out of the way entries entries entries en en- tries for Cor the thc doubles double will i be received I at once the lie contest to start within I Ithe the next few weeks weeks Much uch interest is I being shown in iii this department of athletics ath nth at the local association |