Show Friends of Mrs Maynard Phyl I Poulson formerly Miss Fawn Rowley Row Row- ley a graduate of th the Branch Agri cultural College will wall be interested In the following announcement which appeared in the Salt Lake Tribune Announcement is 15 made of the marriage of Fawn Rowley Rowley Row now ley ler of Salt Lake Take City daughter of Mr and Mrs George Rowley of FUlmore td to Maynard p Poulson of Salt Lake son of Mr and Mrs J J. J C. C of Holden The mar mar- rigs t took ok k place Wednesday at 0 8 pm p.m. The Ibo bride was lovely in powder I blue crepe trope trimmed nod in mink and I she Bhe carried a slower shower bouquet of gardenias Miss Miser Hope Hunter was wasI the only attendant and wore royal blue crepe with a corsage corsie of pink I rosebuds Richard Barnes Dames acted as u best beat man |