Show l Popular Musi i l. l t Couple Married Miss Ila Iia Eugenia popular Cedar City lady and arid Mr Lorin F P. P Wheelwright music Instructor in the tha Cedar City Junior high school were married in the St. St George Temple Friday Friday Fri Fri- day April and will leave at the close of ot school next week for tor Chicago and New York to spend the summer After Atter a visit in Chicago the couple will go to New York where Mr Wheelwright Wheelwright Wheelwright Wheel Wheel- wright will enter the Columbia University University University Uni Uni- to continue his studies in muss They will return to Cedar at the opening of school in the fall tall and make their home here Miss a daughter o of ot Mr and Mrs Arch is publicly known as one of ot the leading musicians musicians' of ot the city particularly for her work worle on the violin having appeared very frequently on church school and civic programs Mr Wheelwright a son of ot Mr and Mrs D R Wheelwright of ot Ogden Utah has taken his Bachelors Bachelor's degree at atthe atthe atthe the University of Utah and his Mas Masters Master's bias fas ter's Degree at the University of ot Chicago and since his graduation has been engaged In musical instruction Instruction tion in the schools of ot the state Ha lie came to Cedar City last fall tall to replace Melvin Melvln L. L Done at the head of ot music department of ot the Cedar Junior High School Before coming here he was engaged in the same ame capacity in the ther Jordan School District |