Show How Gifts on Wedding Anniversaries Started The practice of giving peculiar gifts on various wedding anniversaries originated In Germany says an article In Pathfinder Magazine Among the medieval Oat Germans Germans' It was customary for friends to present a wife with a wreath wreath of at silver sliver when she had lived with her husband 23 25 years The silver sliver symbolized the harmony which must have been necessary to make mane so many years of matrimony possible On the fiftieth anniversary of a wedding the wife was as presented with a wreath of gold Hence arose the names names' names silver and golden weddings This Idea orIginally originally nally pally borrowed from the German has hns been elaborated upon In mod rn times and now no we have hare a II Ion lon list of wedding wedding wed din ding anniversaries which many people think should he he e 1 with peculiar gifts Thus we so e have e the wooden wedding wedding wed wed- ding ding- the tin wedding 1 the crystal wedding wedding wed wed- ding and so on How Son of a Gun Began Beran The e expression loli son of a I gun Is Ir used dully In conversation by hy thousands thou sands of persons who hn would never think of using It If they e even suspected sus sus- suspected Its nr unsavory origin It 11 nt lit one onetime onetime onetime time expressed the utmost contempt for any person to In whom hom It was ap tip- plied lIed In his etymological Compendium published In n probably probably rob ably gave the correct correl origin nf of the phrase Son of a K gun said suld that writer is derived from trout roon long Jons on an old word for the temple of of of course It Implies bustard bastard or horn In InI a I necessary The words gong gons on and ond gong man man though t hv hy unabridged dictionaries are now obsolete I Ex change |