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Show Married Folks At Hyde Park Entertained Hyde Park The Old Folks committee com-mittee of the ward entertained all the married folks of the ward at a lovely banquet Wednesday. The days festivities star.ted at 11 o'clock o'-clock with a program in the ward chapel. Theron Ashcroft acted as master of ceremonies and the following fol-lowing program was given: Community Com-munity singing, conducted by Har- vey Seamons; . prayer, Chaplain' S. E. Lamb; girls trio;; reading, Ollie Jean Olsen; flute solo, Owen Hammond; reading, Mrs. Lavon Zollinger; harmonica and guitar selections Nathan Zollinger; whistling whist-ling solo, Wendell Wilklns; musical musi-cal selections, Ninth ward Wranglers. Immediately following the program pro-gram a delicious hot dinner was served In the amusement hall. The long tables were beautifully decorated dec-orated with miniature American flags, tapers and fruit. Cowers were marked for 325 people of the ward. Following" dinner a very entertaining enter-taining program was given. S. E. Lamb acted as Master of Ceremonies, Cere-monies, introducing the following numbers: musical trio, R. E. Chris-toffersen, Chris-toffersen, Mrs. Florence Clark and William Christoffersen; reading, Mrs. Lucretla Ashcroft; harmonica solo, Darrell Mikkeisen; comic reading, Miss Bessie Hansen; musical mu-sical selections, Hyde Park Junior band with pecial numbers by Mer-vin Mer-vin Petersen, Edvin and Rendall Seamons. Jokes and merriment was passed freely and everyone had an injoyable time. The day was closed with a dance in the amusement hall. The Old Folks Committee: Geo. D. Seamons, Geo. F. Ashcroft, Jed Seamons, Archie Woolf and De-wayne De-wayne Perkes, are to be complimented compli-mented on the well arranged party. par-ty. For the tasty dinner Mrs. Mabel Ma-bel Duce, Mrs. Carrie Hurren and some very able Waitresses are to be thanked. The program committee commit-tee consisted of Harvey Seamons, Lew Balls, Eulalia Lee and Mae Lee. - I The Relief Society held their 'weekly meeting Tuesday afternoon ' in the ward chapel. The scriptural I reading was given by Mrs. Ethel i Balls; Mrs. Nettie Reeder gave a jtalk on handcrafts; Mrs. Mae Leej Jgave a sketch on Abraham Lincoln, j i Following meeting the Ladjes jFarm Bureau was reorganized with I Mrs. Ethelyn Thurston as president, presi-dent, Mrs. Verla Lamb as vice j president, Mrs. Leora Seamons as secretary. Mrs. Etta Ballam of San Francisco Fran-cisco arrived Monday to spend a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Petersen, j Mr. and Mrs. Leo Reeder are happy over : the safe arrival of a fins traby boy on February 3rd. |