Show I I Surprises Friends By Marriage 1 Randle W. W Lunt eldest brother of the late Senator Henry W. W Lunt surprised surprised sur sur- his numerous friends Thursday evening by marrying a New Harmony lady Not one person so so 0 far tar as can be ba learned had an inkling that Randle nevertheless ne erthe was as contemplating marriage less his friends are wishing him success success suc suc- cess reM and happiness In his venture in into In to matrimony The ceremony was performed by Bp Dp Frank B. B Wood taking place in the First Ward Tabernacle the first ceremony ceremony ceremony cere cere- mony of this kind to have hare been performed performed performed per per- formed there The bride Is Mrs Sarah Adair a lady well known and respected by score scored of oC people in Washington county and many In Iron county The Record Joins heartily with the friends of the couple in wishing them the best of luck while sojourning through life as man and and wife |