Show MARRIAGE lL ANNOUNCED I Announcement is made of the marriage marriage mar mar- I of Miss Mary Jane Hart daughter daughter daugh daugh- ter of ot Mr and Mrs Charles Hart of Newcastle to Jack Leigh son of ot Mr and Mrs B. B F. F Leigh of c Cedar dar City The ceremony was as performed in Parowan Parowan Parowan Par Par- owan last Monday July 6 Mr and Mrs Leigh are in Newcastle Newcastle Newcastle New New- castle at the present time L D. WADE BALTON-WADE TON W. DE The marriage of ot Miss Della Delia Dalton of Parowan and Gerald Wade of at Cedar Cedar Ce Ce- Cedar Ce- Ce dar City was performed In Parowan Friday July 3 Following the ceremony ceremony ceremony cere cere- mony Mr and Mrs Wade left for for forI I Monticello Utah where here they will wUl re remain remain re- re re-I re main for a few weeks I RETURNED ROME HOME I Verl Vert Harris son of Mr and Mrs A. A AI B. B Harris of ot Lehl Lehi returned to his horn ma tha ha part Dart of nf this week Mr I nm r n Harris has been visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs Dave Thorley for the past two months FROM LOS ANGELES Mr and Mrs Lee Renshaw of Los Angeles are the guests of Mrs Renshaw's Renshaw's Renshaw's Ren- Ren shaws shaw's parents Mr and Mrs D. D D. D Mr and Mrs Renshaw expect expect expect ex- ex ex ex- to remain in Cedar City until about about about a- a bout the first lint of August VACATIONING IN CEDAR I Mr and Mrs G. G Hunter Lunt of ot Salt Bait Lake City formerly of Cedar City are spending a tow few days of their va vacation vacation vacation va- va cation in the Cedar Canyon Canon at the Canyon Crest Inn VISITORS TO DELTA Mr and Mrs Mra Bob Simkins Mrs William Simkins and Mrs Mra Orson spent a few days the fore part of this week In Delta visiting with Mr and Mrs Jim Bulloch Bullock |